Diaper Boy pictures of a boy named chad of around 6 or 7 years old

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asked Mar 21 in Diaper Videos by forcediaperedaskid (300 points)

Diaper Boy pictures of a boy named chad of around 6 or 7 years old?

Here are some pictures of a boy named Chad that is in diapers and is around 6 or 7 years of age but I'm not sure of the age I could be wrong.

These pictures according to the image properties were taken in December of 2003.

6 or 7 year old boy kid wearing plastic diapers kid boy diaper6 or 7 year old boy kid wearing plastic diapers kid boy diaper6 or 7 year old boy kid wearing plastic diapers kid boy diaper6 or 7 year old boy kid wearing plastic diapers kid boy diaper

6 or 7 year old boy wearing diapers kid boy6 year old boy wearing diapers diaper boy Chad

1 Answer

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answered Mar 22 by Diaperboy1988 (4,500 points)
Diaper boy Chad is so cute and he has great diapers.

I wish they still made the toddler and baby diapers in the thick plastic backing like he is wearing.

Diapers are better underwear and kids should stay in them and not be potty trained as kids his age have pee accidents and diapers help to manage them.

Diapers are also more comfortable than regular underwear as well.

Diaper boy Chad looks very happy wearing his diapers and I would be too.

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