How to get rid of cold sores forever?

+1 vote
asked Oct 5, 2018 in Other- Health by beakent (290 points)
How to get rid of cold sores forever?

Is it possible to get rid of cold sores forever so the cold sores won't ever come back?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2018 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
There's no guarantee that the cold sore will stay away forever but once you get rid of the cold sore then you can help to prevent the cold sores from coming back by getting plenty of vitamins.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus so if you can prevent that virus then you lessen your chances of getting cold sores again.

You can get rid of a cold sore by applying a cold compress or ice to the cold sore and when a cold sore starts appearing apply some Abreva to the cold sore before it spreads and becomes worse.

Avoid eating any spicy foods too when you have a cold sore because the spicy foods can irritate the cold sore and make it worse.

You can also get rid of a cold sore by applying some lemon balm, Aloe Vera or even some apple cider vinegar to the cold sore.

Also toothpaste when applied to the cold sore can help dry out the cold sore and make the cold sore go away so you can try that too.

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