Where to find legit work at home jobs?

0 votes
asked Jun 10, 2017 in Employment & Careers by Sherlyn (180 points)
I'm looking for a work at home job?

How can I go about finding a good legit work at home job that won't scam me?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2017 by megax (250 points)
To find a legit work at home job from a company. You need to find a workplace that has an office where you can work out of there office.

Some office jobs allow people to work from home. You just have to ask them.

Anything other than that I'd be weary about it.

You can work at home for yourself though by selling things online through ebay, or creating a blog, or other website and sell E books, run ppc advertisements such as google adsense, media.net infolinks or even sell your own advertising space.

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