For severe diaper rash for adults you can use Zinc Oxide diaper rash cream such as Desitin, Balmex Adult care Rash Cream or Caloseptine Diaper Rash Ointment.
The best adult diaper rash cream is Balmex Adult Care Rash Cream and Calmoseptine Diaper Rash Ointment.
The adult version of diaper rash is known as diaper dermatitis and is basically the same as diaper rash in babies and children wearing diapers.
The diaper rash adults get from wearing diapers or other incontinence products is the same as diaper rash that children and babies wearing diapers get.
The genitals, bottom and thigh areas are often affected by diaper rash.
Adults can and should use diaper rash cream when they have skin irritation or if they also have diaper rash.
Adults wearing diapers can get diaper rash and yeast infections from the warm moist environment in the diaper just like children wearing diapers can.
Even when adults have other skin irritations including heat rash or friction rashes the diaper rash cream can help the rash or skin irritation heal.
Diapers can cause a yeast infection when the diapers are not changed often enough and when the diaper area is not cleaned and dried good enough.
The warm and moist environment of the diaper area under the diaper is a breeding ground for yeast and fungus.
Zinc oxide cream will help a yeast infection.
When you or your child has a yeast infection you can apply some cream with zinc oxide such as Desitin or Balmex or other creams.
Desitin or other diaper rash cream with zinc oxide will help with a yeast infection.
Even using some Vaseline or other petroleum jelly or other cream such as Balmex, A+D or Triple Paste also helps with yeast infections.
The difference between Balmex and Desitin is Desitin contains 4 times the amount of zinc than Balmex.
Balmex and Desitin are similar in ingredients except that Desitin contains more zinc than Balmex.
Desitin is better for severe diaper rash and Balmex is better for less severe and mild diaper rash.
Balmex does stop itching as well as flaking and keeps the skin moist and treats and prevents diaper rash, dry skin, rough skin, scaly skin, itchy skin and minor skin irritations.
Balmex is good for adults and works just as well on adults as it does on babies and toddlers.
Balmex is safe for adults just as it's safe for babies and toddlers.
Balmex also has a diaper rash cream formulated for adults as well.
The best diaper rash cream for adults is Balmex Adult Care rash cream.
Another good diaper rash cream for adults is Calmoseptine diaper rash ointment.
Adults can also use regular Balmex diaper rash cream.
Adults can use Balmex diaper rash cream for healing of rashes and protection of the skin.
Even for adults who get diaper rash from adult diapers the Balmex diaper rash cream also works well for adults just as it does for babies and toddlers in diapers.
Balmex heals and protect the skin and also prevents and treats diaper rash.
Balmex is the only diaper rash cream that is clinically proven to reduce redness in just 3 hours.
Balmex is better than Desitin and is also less likely to cause allergic reactions on your child's skin.
I use Balmex on my 2 year old son's bottom and diaper area and it treats diaper rash really good and helps to prevent diaper rash as well and he has no issues with it.
Side effects of Balmex are irritation, redness, stinging and burning.
If the symptoms last too long or get worse tell your doctor.
Balmex is good for diaper rash and provides fast, effective diaper rash relief and protection against wetness, chafing and irritating digestive enzymes that pass through the baby's poop and into the diaper.
For diaper rash pediatricians recommend mild (0.5% to 1%) hydrocortisone (steroid) cream twice a day for 3 to 5 days.
You should also keep your baby's or child's skin as dry and clean as possible and change diapers frequently to prevent diaper rash and to help the diaper rash heal.
The best recommended diaper rash cream is Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment Advanced Therapy Skin Protectant.
Boudreaux's Butt Paste Maximum Strength Diaper Rash Ointment is also a good diaper rash cream.
Other best diaper rash creams are.
Weleda Baby Calendula Diaper Cream.
Best Diaper Rash Cream For Stubborn Rashes: Triple Paste.
Best Diaper Rash Cream For Sensitive Skin: Babo Botanicals Sensitive Baby Fragrance Free Diaper Cream.
Best Diaper Rash Cream For Newborns: Aquaphor Fast Relief Diaper Rash Paste.
To clear diaper rash and treat diaper rash wash your baby's diaper area gently with warm water.
When your baby has a diaper rash you should also try to avoid soaps and baby wipes as these can irritate sore skin.
Let the skin dry fully.
After the skin dries fully you can then apply a diaper ointment or paste that contains zinc oxide (such as such as Desitin, Triple Paste, Balmex, or a store brand).
Diaper rash usually goes away within 2 to 3 days with home care, although it can last longer.
Skin ointments or pastes also can help to treat or prevent irritant diaper rash.
The ointment or paste should be applied at every diaper change and can be covered with a thin layer of petroleum jelly to prevent sticking to the diaper.
Diaper rash is caused by wet or infrequently changed diapers, diarrhea, new foods, and antibiotics.
The main symptom of diaper rash is a red rash on the babies or child's bottom.
In severe cases of diaper rash, symptoms such as fever and widespread rash can occur.
Most diaper rashes start to improve after a few days of at-home care with over-the-counter ointment and more-frequent diaper changes.
If the diaper rash doesn't start to improve, or if fever and rash develop, a doctor visit is needed.
Be sure to change your baby's or child's diaper often and allow the diaper area to air dry for 20 minutes to 30 minutes when possible.
And be sure to clean the diaper area with a wash cloth or wipes to remove any potential pee that could be left on the skin.