Why do cancer cells avoid apoptosis?

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asked Feb 23, 2024 in Diseases Conditions by Macronhello (2,360 points)
Why do cancer cells avoid apoptosis?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 23, 2024 by Wotsonyourbag (11,700 points)
The reason cancer cells avoid apoptosis is because for the cancer cells to divide and grow uncontrollably the cancer cell not only has to hijack the normal cellular growth pathways but they also evade cellular death pathways.

The cells that Cannot be killed by apoptosis are cancer cells.

The signs of apoptosis are shrinkage of the cell, fragmentation into membrane-bound apoptotic bodies and rapid phagocytosis by neighboring cells.

The event that is least likely to occur during apoptosis is damage to nearby cells caused by lysis.

Apoptosis can go wrong when the cells have DNA damage but fail to undergo apoptosis which can then lead to cancer.

Sometimes the pre cancerous cells which have avoided internal apoptosis cues are detected by your immune cells which then try to trigger apoptosis through a signaling pathway that is external.

Apoptosis is better than necrosis as apoptosis is a naturally occurring process which is both regulated and timely which makes it healthy and predictable.

Necrosis is a pathological process that is caused by traumas, infections and toxins and is often unregulated which can make it unhealthy for people.

The difference between apoptosis and necrosis is necrosis is characterized as passive and accidental cell death that results from environmental perturbations with the uncontrolled release of inflammatory cellular contents.

Apoptosis on the other hand is an active, programmed process of autonomous cellular dismantling which avoids eliciting inflammation.

Apoptosis unlike necrosis does not cause inflammation and is not harmful.

An example of apoptosis in real life is to rid the body of unwanted cells such as the cells between the fingers of a developing hand.

A virus that is an example of apoptosis is HIV-1 or Human Immunodeficiency Virus as well as the HPV or Human Papillomavirus.

Another virus example of apoptosis is the retrovirus of human T cell leukemia type 1.

Apoptosis is considered a vital component of various processes including normal cell turnover, proper development and functioning of the immune system, hormone-dependent atrophy, embryonic development and chemical-induced cell death.

Another name for apoptosis is programmed cell death.

The reason we get cancer without apoptosis is a result of the cancer cells that alter the mechanisms which detect the damage or irregularities which prevent proper signaling and apoptosis activation.

The cancer cells can also introduce defects in the downstream signaling itself or the proteins that are involved in apoptosis that also would prevent proper apoptosis.

Apoptosis plays a role in preventing cancer.

If apoptosis is for some reason prevented, it can lead to uncontrolled cell division and the subsequent development of a tumor.

Proteolytic enzymes called caspases is what triggers apoptosis which also triggers cell death by cleaving specific proteins in the nucleus and cytoplasm.

The caspases exist in all the cells as inactive precursors or procaspases that are usually activated by cleavage by other caspases that produce a proteolytic caspase cascade.

The diseases that have apoptosis are Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease which are characterized by excessive apoptosis of neurons.

Alzheimer's disease for example is caused by the accumulation of b-amyloids at lesion sites where b-amyloids induce abnormal apoptosis of neurons.

Apoptosis gets rid of abnormal or unneeded cells in the body although it can be blocked by cancer.

A simple example of apoptosis is eliminating unwanted cells between the fingers of a developing hand.

 In adults, apoptosis is used to rid the body of cells that have been damaged beyond repair.

Not only that but apoptosis also has a role in preventing cancer.

Apoptosis is the death of cells which occurs as a normal and controlled part of an organism's growth or development.

Apoptosis is used during early development to eliminate unwanted cells.

For example, those between the fingers of a developing hand.

In adults, apoptosis is used to rid the body of cells that have been damaged beyond repair.

Apoptosis also plays a role in preventing cancer.

Apoptosis describes the orchestrated collapse of a cell characterized by membrane blebbing, cell shrinkage, condensation of chromatin, and fragmentation of DNA followed by rapid engulfment of the corpse by neighboring cells.

Some examples of apoptosis during normal development include the loss of a tadpole's tail as it turns into a frog, and the removal of unneeded neurons in as neural circuits in the brain are “wired.”

Apoptosis is involved in normal tissue formation such as when the spaces between your fingers are created in utero or as a defense mechanism in cancers and infections.

Unchecked, however, apoptosis can cause great harm as in some neurodegenerative diseases, like multiple sclerosis.

By contrast, a cell that undergoes apoptosis dies neatly, without damaging its neighbors.

The cell shrinks and condenses.

The cytoskeleton collapses, the nuclear envelope disassembles, and the nuclear DNA breaks up into fragments.

Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, and Parkinson's disease are all characterized by excessive apoptosis of neurons.

For example, Alzheimer's disease is caused by accumulation of b-amyloids at lesion sites where b-amyloids induce abnormal apoptosis of neurons.

Silent cell death, or apoptosis, is described as silent because these cells die without causing an inflammatory reaction.

Apoptosis is an active process involving many proteins and switches within the cell.

It's designed to strategically eliminate cells without alarming the rest of the body.

Apoptosis can be initiated through one of two pathways.

In the intrinsic pathway the cell kills itself because it senses cell stress, while in the extrinsic pathway the cell kills itself because of signals from other cells.

Weak external signals may also activate the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis.

Cells undergoing apoptosis shrink and fragment into pieces, called apoptotic bodies, that are cleared by neighboring cells or immune cells through phagocytosis.

Neuronal apoptosis represents an intrinsic suicide program by which a neuron orchestrates its own destruction.

During normal nervous system development, physiologically appropriate neuronal loss contributes to a sculpting process that removes approximately one-half of all neurons born during neurogenesis.

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