What is a Cowash?

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asked Feb 18, 2024 in Hair by Dulura (2,860 points)
What is a Cowash?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 22, 2024 by Kgarfield (17,090 points)
A Cowash when washing your hair is when you skip using shampoo and rely on and only use hair conditioner to wash your hair.

If you only use conditioner your hair will still come clean and your hair will also retain more of it's natural moisture.

Using only hair conditioner to wash your hair is known as co washing which means using conditioner instead of using shampoo and falls between the hair being squeaky clean and second day hair.

In most cases the use of conditioner only can lead to the hair strands feeling smoother, softer and even easier to manage, especially if you have curls or waves on your hair.

It is good to use apple cider vinegar on your hair occasionally as it can help improve your hair strength, enhance shine of your hair and improve the health of your scalp.

Before using apple cider vinegar on your hair you should dilute it with some water and only use the apple cider vinegar on your hair 1 to 2 times a week.

You should never stop using conditioner when washing your hair as using conditioner when washing your hair adds shine and moisture to the hair and is important in restoring hair and the scalps pH level and also helps to rehydrate the hair.

The reason people wash their hair with Dawn Dish Soap is to open the hair cuticles and allow color molecules to be washed away and remove or lighten the hair color.

Dawn dish soap opens the hair cuticles because it has a high pH level.

If you don't have shampoo you can wash your hair with some baking soda or apple cider vinegar.

You can also use some dish soap for washing your hair if you don't have shampoo although it's not best for hair but will work in a pinch.

Before shampoo many people would wash their hair using rice bran or a variety of plant materials or even homemade soaps.

In some cases some people would simply just use water and rinse their hair as good as they could.

Another way that people washed their before shampoo was to crack an egg open on their head and use the egg yolks to wash their hair with.

You should wash your hair at least once a week unless your hair gets more dirty more often.

Washing your hair once or twice a week is good enough for most people and washing your hair too often can cause damage to the hair and strip your hair of natural oils.

Washing your hair everyday is bad as it can strip your hair of natural oils and dry your hair out and dry your scalp out.

Unless your hair gets really dirty or you work in really dusty conditions where your hair gets dirty everyday then you should not wash your hair everyday.

Washing your hair once or twice a week is enough for most people.

Washing your hair too often can damage your hair and cause dry and itchy scalp.

It is bad to let your hair air dry as air drying your hair can cause trauma to the inner lipid layer and make your hair strands weaker as a result.

After washing your hair it's best to use a hair dryer to dry the hair.

But if you don't have a hair dryer then you will be fine with letting your hair dry other than possible damage to the inner lipid layer which can lead to weaker strands.

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