Will full coverage insurance cover a blown engine?

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asked Feb 17, 2024 in Insurance/Registration by Billabong (800 points)
Will full coverage insurance cover a blown engine?
commented Dec 17, 2024 by JanBaclar (1,140 points)
Full coverage insurance typically doesn't cover a blown engine unless caused by something you couldn't control, like an accident or a tree falling on your car. It's usually more for damage from crashes, theft, or vandalism. If your engine died from normal wear and tear or lack of maintenance, you’d probably be on the hook for repairs. But honestly, it depends on your policy and what’s specifically covered. It’s worth giving your insurance company a quick call to see if anything in your plan might help. For example, some policies offer added protection, but you might need to ask. You could also check with places like Lucky Penny Insurance https://yourluckypenny.com/; they’re pretty good at explaining how it works.

1 Answer

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answered Nov 16, 2024 by KingVegeta (1,540 points)
Full coverage insurance will not cover a vehicles blown engine unless the engine failure was due to an accident.

Full coverage and comprehensive and collision insurance coverage may help pay for engine repairs if the damage was caused by an accident, natural disaster, vandalism or other covered event.

However full coverage car insurance does not pay for or cover mechanical failures, natural wear and tear or any manufacturing defects.

The engine and transmission are some of the costliest components to replace on a vehicle, which can result in a totaled designation.

So if your engine blew or failed or the transmission went out then the vehicle would likely be considered totaled.

Also gap insurance doesn't cover mechanical breakdowns, like engine failure or a broken transmission.

Gap insurance only covers you when your car can't be repaired because it was stolen or totaled.

Gap insurance pays for the difference between your car's actual cash value and the amount you still owe on your loan or your leasing.

The value of a vehicle with engine problems depends on numerous factors including the year, make, model, mileage, condition, location, and more.

If your engine blows up on you and you want to sell it, you can get anywhere from $500.00 to $1,500.00 or sometimes a bit more depending on what kind of car you have.

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