Can an Orgasim cause bleeding in first trimester?

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asked Feb 16, 2024 in Pregnancy by Stargazer88 (2,200 points)
Can an Orgasim cause bleeding in first trimester?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 17, 2024 by waitforme (15,100 points)
An Orgasm can cause some light bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy.

During the first trimester of pregnancy your cervix is more sensitive and receives more blood flow, which can cause bleeding or spotting after sex.

This is not usually a cause for any concern and is normal.

A small blood filled area in the uterus called sub chorionic hemorrhage can cause bleeding during the first trimester and during pregnancy and is not often a cause for a miscarriage.

Spotting can also occur when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of your uterus and usually happens 6 to 12 days after ovulation.

If the bleeding after sex is not painful or is light red, brown, pinkish and short lived, then it is often not a cause for concern.

Orgasm and sex is generally a safe thing to do during pregnancy and can actually have some positive health benefits like reducing stress and also increasing blood flow to your uterus.

Sometimes the act of having sex during pregnancy and during your first trimester can cause enough irritation in the vagina and cause light bleeding or spotting.

Pregnancy hormones can also cause the cells on your cervix to be sensitive to touch and movement, which can result in spotting.

This is a common cause of light spotting in pregnancy and can occur when the cervix is touched during sex, a speculum exam, pelvic exam or even from a pap smear.

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