What do plumbers recommend to clean toilet tanks?

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asked Feb 16, 2024 in laundry/Cleaning by Stargazer88 (2,200 points)
What do plumbers recommend to clean toilet tanks?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 28, 2024 by knotgood (3,930 points)
What plumbers recommend to clean toilet tanks and toilets is vinegar and baking soda which is a natural toilet cleaner.

You can pour some vinegar into the toilet tank by itself or even add a bit of baking soda and allow it to fizz and then flush the tank and scrub the tank clean.

You can sprinkle some baking soda into the toilet bowl and add some vinegar and allow it to sit and fizz for around 30 minutes.

Then take a toilet brush and scrub the toilet clean.

The best natural toilet cleaner is to use some vinegar and baking soda which naturally and effectively cleans the toilet and also neutralizes odors.

You can put baking soda and vinegar in your toilet bowl and or the toilet tank to help keep the toilet clean and fresh and neutralize odors.

Sprinkling some baking soda in the toilet bowl and leaving it overnight can help reduce odors, remove stains, prevent stains and help keep the toilet bowl cleaner and smelling clean.

Baking soda can also be added safely to the toilet tank to keep the toilet tank clean and smelling fresh.

You can leave baking soda in your toilet bowl overnight and even add some vinegar and allow the baking soda and vinegar to clean the toilet bowl.

You can make a good homemade toilet bowl cleaner by mixing some baking soda with white citric acid and essential oils and store it in a glass jar.

Then measure out some of the powdered mixture plus some white vinegar into the toilet bowl and allow it to fizz and then after around 10 minutes or so take a toilet brush and scrub the toilet clean.

You can also use baking soda and white vinegar alone to help clean the toilet bowl.

You can put a dishwasher tablet in the toilet bowl at night and allow it to dissolve in the toilet bowl water.

Then the next morning give the water in the toilet bowl a good scrub around the bowl using the toilet brush to reach any stains and then flush the toilet.

You can also use Mr. Clean in the toilet bowl or even some vinegar an baking soda.

You can put a small amount of Mr. Clean in a toilet tank to keep the toilet tank and toilet bowl clean but too much of the Mr. Clean could damage the flapper and other internal parts and seal of the toilet tank.

Clorox bleach tablets also eventually damage the internal parts of the toilet such as the toilet fill valve, toilet flapper and seals over time.

So while the Clorox Bleach tablets can help keep your toilet tank and toilet bowl clean they can lead to premature failure of the toilet components which will require replacing sooner.

Putting Clorox or other products containing bleach in a toilet tank is not OK.

The use of Clorox or other bleach containing cleaning products when used in a toilet tank can corrode the internal parts of the toilet tank and can even deteriorate the toilet flapper, seals and the toilet fill valve.

Putting Clorox or bleach in the toilet bowl is okay to clean the toilet bowl but it should not be put into the toilet tank.

To clean the toilet tank you can use some white vinegar diluted with some water which is safer on the toilet parts.

Even the use of in tank toilet bowl cleaners can cause problems with the toilet flappers, seals and toilet fill valve over time.

To keep a toilet tank clean over time without damaging the internal parts of the toilet, add a cup or two of white distilled vinegar once a month to the toilet tank at night topping it off to about an inch from the top rim, then flushing it in the morning.

Vinegar is even safe for use in toilets on a septic system.

Vinegar is safe and milder than caustic cleaners designed for the toilet, and those commercial cleaning agents can eat away the good bacteria in your septic system.

To safely and inexpensively clean your toilet bowls, pour a generous amount of vinegar, followed by a heavy sprinkling of baking soda, into the bowl.

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