Why are furries so cute?

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asked Feb 15, 2024 in Other- Society & Culture by McAughk (2,140 points)
Why are furries so cute?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 16, 2024 by Quackenbush (14,390 points)
Furries are so cute because they combine the endearing qualities of animals such as fluffy fur and big eyes, with also human like expressions and characteristics which trigger humans natural instinct to find baby animals adorable and want to nurture them.

A furry is not considered any kind of mental illness and furries are no more likely than non furries to experience any anxiety in their day to day lives.

Furries started in the science fiction community during the 1980s.

Early discussions about anthropomorphic characters at conventions, particularly sparked by artwork from Steve Gallacci's "Albedo Anthropomorphics" series.

This led to fans creating a social group around their shared interest in animal like characters and eventually results in the first dedicated furry convention, "ConFurence 0", in 1989.

All anthros are furries as furry refers specifically to those people that are interested in anthropomorphic animal characters and means that any anthro character falls under the umbrella of the furry fandom.

Not all furies necessarily create or identify with anthro characters exclusively.

The difference between anthros and furries is anthros are any human like creature, and furries are a specific subculture focused on animal characters with human traits.

The term furry is also a much broader term that is used to describe people that are interested in anthro art and also cartoon animals in general.

Anthro is the word that describes animals which are given human like qualities.

Furries will sometimes dress up as the animals that they enjoy being as well.

Human being anthropomorphic means relating to or characterized by explanations of animal behavior or anthropomorphic terms or having human characteristics.

Anthropomorphism means the attribution of human traits, feelings and behaviors to inanimate objects, nonhuman animals or even nature.

Anthropomorphism can occur either unconsciously or consciously and is a common way that people often perceive the world around them.

The rule of anthropomorphism is to attribute the human characteristics as well as behaviors and emotions to non human entities like animals, objects or even natural phenomena, essentially you treat them as if they were human.

It can be seen as a literary device or a cognitive tendency where people will interpret the world through a human lens.

To avoid anthropomorphism you can actively try to interpret animal behavior that is based on the animals natural instincts and biological needs, instead of projecting human motivations and emotions onto the animals.

Also become educated on the specific animals behaviors and when describing the animals actions, use language which can focus on observable animal behaviors without attributing human like feelings or thoughts.

When you do begin to anthropomorphize you should consciously catch yourself and then rephrase your thinking to consider the animal's perspective from a biological standpoint.

Anthropomorphism is a type of fallacy because anthropomorphism involves unwarranted attribution of human characteristics to non human entities, which can lead to inaccurate understandings or interpretation of their behavior or motivations.

It's basically a logical error when you assume that something non human is thinking or acting like humans do.

Anthropomorphism is a natural cognitive process which helps you understand the world around you by attributing human characteristics to non human entities such as animals or objects.

This allows you to make sense of their behaviors and potentially feel a connection to them.

Anthropomorphism results from the uncertainty of perception and from the practical need to discern humans, human messages and human traces in a chronically ambiguous world.

It is not bad to be attracted to anthropomorphic animals and it's actually considered to be a normal interest within the furry community.

As long as the attraction to the anthropomorphic animals is to fictional characters with human like qualities and not real animals.

Being attracted to real animals that are considered anthropomorphic animals would be Zoophila and considered bad and problematic.

The reason why some people are attracted to anthropomorphic animals is because it combines the wonderful cuteness as well as beauty of animals with the deep thought complex personalities and communication ability of humans.

Being attracted to anthropomorphic animals also combines the human form with them as opposed to characters who are anthro in mind and behavior but feral in form to result in a character who is sexy, beautiful and amazingly cute.

The reason why we should not anthropomorphize animals is because it can cause inaccurate interpretations of behavior, misleading communication and misunderstanding of how other creatures experience the world.

When someone assumes an animal is acting out of human emotions, then they might misinterpret it's actual motivations and behaviors and potentially lead to incorrect conclusions about it's actions.

An example of anthropomorphism is a human thinking a dog is smiling simply because it is showing his teeth, or a cat mourns for it's dead owner.

The 4 types of anthropomorphism are aware, character, gestural and structural anthropomorphism.

These types of anthropomorphism are useful as a starting point for creation and designed anthropomorphic form.

There are also 4 other main types of anthropomorphism which include symbolic, analogical, metaphorical and literal.

Literal anthropomorphism is when something has either a human form or the behaviors of a human.

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities.

Anthropomorphism is also considered to be an innate tendency of human psychology.

And personification is the related attribution of human form and characteristics to abstract concepts such as nations, emotions, and natural forces, such as seasons and weather.

Both also have ancient roots as storytelling and artistic devices, and most cultures have traditional fables with anthropomorphized animals as characters.

And people have also routinely attributed human emotions and behavioral traits to wild as well as domesticated animals.

An example of anthropomorphism is a human thinking a dog is smiling simply because it is showing his teeth, or a cat mourns for it's dead owner.

The reason why humans anthropomorphize things is because anthropomorphism serves as a bridge between the human experience and the broader world, helping us navigate complex feelings and relationships.

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