Do Collies still exist?

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asked Feb 12, 2024 in Dogs by 5612PC (600 points)
Do Collies still exist?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 13, 2024 by AngieSmit (29,590 points)
Collies do still exist and some collie breeds still remain as working dogs for the use of herding sheep, cattle and other livestock.

Other collie dog breeds are kept as pets and show dogs for sports.

Border Collies can become destructive if ignored or insufficiently exercised, especially if left alone for long periods.

Collies are like an active, inquisitive child: if you don't provide something for them to do, they will create their own entertainment; and it may not be something you want them to do.

The dog that cost 2 million dollars is a Tibetan Mastiff dog.

The dog that was sold for $2 million dollars was a Tibetan Mastiff that sold for $2 million dollars in China.

Another Tibetan Mastiff sold for $1.5 million dollars and was a red Tibetan Mastiff named Big Splash.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a large size Tibetan dog breed.

It's double coat is medium to long, subject to climate, and found in a wide variety of colors, including solid black, black and tan, various shades of red and bluish-gray, and sometimes with white markings around neck, chest and legs.

Tibetan mastiffs are legal in most places around the U.S., though they are banned in a handful of municipalities and counties.

The Tibetan Mastiff displays an aloof, watchful, and alert temperament and can make a loyal family dog.

Because they're so loyal to their family, they can be reserved around strangers and introductions need to be made carefully.

Watchful, aloof, imposing, and intimidating: The ancient Tibetan Mastiff is the guardian dog supreme.

These densely-coated giants are mellow and calm around the house, sweetly devoted to family, and aloof and territorial with strangers.

Saint Bernard's are, on average, larger than Tibetan Mastiffs.

Males of the Saint Bernard breed can grow up to 30 inches tall and weigh up to 200 pounds, while Tibetan Mastiffs typically grow to be 26 inches tall and weigh up to 150 pounds.

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