Pet care apps: how to choose the best one?

0 votes
asked Feb 12 in Other- Pets by saffarry (1,550 points)
I have been thinking about finding the right pet care app for a long time. My daughter dreams of having a pet, but I would like to teach her responsibility through apps like this. Is there anything like this available?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 12 by Gammas (2,190 points)

I can recommend an app that I myself use to care for my pets. It helps keep track of feeding schedules, vet visits, and other concerns. That way, you can teach your daughter how to take care of animals without spending too much time. Here's a try to learn more about such a petcare app

0 votes
answered Feb 12 by toshka (1,740 points)
I am also looking for a pet care app as I want to get a pet but am not confident in my ability to take care of it. If anyone is using something like this, please share your experience!

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