Where did the term strong arm come from?

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asked Feb 9, 2024 in Words & Wordplay by waterbags1 (1,780 points)
Where did the term strong arm come from?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 17, 2024 by Icallyou3 (4,300 points)
The term strong arm comes from the mid 1500s and originated in English.

The earliest known use of the term strong arm was in the writings of John Bale, an evangelical polemicist, historian and a bishop of Ossory around the year 1548.

Strong arm is an Americanism which means to use force or use threats to make a person do something.

An example of strong arming which refers to using force to make someone do something would be to force your brother out of your bedroom such as by physically pushing him out the door of your bedroom.

Or bullying someone to make them give you their money.

Strong arm tactics are methods or types of behavior which involves the use of force and threats to make people do what you want.

An example of strong arm in a sentence would be the police resorted to strong-arm tactics to break up the protest.

A word for strong arming is strong arm or aggressive and bullying.

Synonyms for strong arming are to bulldoze, startle, scare, browbeat, frighten, coerce, bully, terrorize and intimidate.

Strong arming is to force someone to do something.

When you strong arm someone to get out of your house you physically push that person out or force them out.

Bullies often strong arm others into giving them something they have such as their lunch money.

Powerful countries strong arm weaker countries into cooperating with alliances and treaties.

If you refer to someone's behavior as strong-arm tactics or methods, you disapprove of it because it consists of using threats or force in order to achieve something.

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