Jennifer Crumbley mom of Oxford School Shooter found guilty of manslaughter

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asked Feb 6, 2024 in Current Events by Kaelea (2,740 points)
A Michigan jury convicted Jennifer Crumbley the mother of Ethan Crumbley the Oxford school shooter’s mother of involuntary manslaughter Tuesday in the killings of four students in 2021, making her the first parent in the U.S. to be held responsible for a child carrying out a mass school attack.

Prosecutors in the case say Jennifer Crumbley had a duty under state law to prevent her son, who was 15 at the time, from harming others.

Jennifer Crumbley was accused of failing to secure a gun and ammunition at home and failing to get help to support Ethan Crumbley's mental health.

The four guilty verdicts, one for each student slain at Oxford High School were returned after roughly 11 hours of jury deliberations.

Jennifer Crumbley, 45, looked down and shook her head slightly as each juror was polled after the verdicts were read.

On her way out of the courtroom, prosecutor Karen McDonald hugged Craig Shilling, the father of victim Justin Shilling, and the family of Madisyn Baldwin.

1 Answer

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answered Feb 6, 2024 by Take8seat (31,340 points)
I actually feel bad for Jennifer Crumbley and she should've never been arrested or convicted of Involuntary manslaughter for what her son did.

She had no part in the shootings and killings of those students and it was 100 percent her sons fault.

There's no way she would've known that he was gonna shoot up the school even though his dad bought him the gun.

Many parents but their kids guns and use them responsibly.

If I was on the Jury I would've found her not guilty.

The dad is more guilty as he bought the gun but even then he still did not take the gun himself and shoot the people in school.

The parents were negligent in the case but should not be charged with involuntary manslaughter.

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