With enough rain and precipitation a dry well can fill back up within a month or two or sometimes less.
If the well is deeper than it may fill back up sooner as the water moves through the soil and rocks underground from other areas away from the well.
If the well is shallower and you have mostly sandy and gravel based soil then the water may seep into the ground and fill the dry well back up within a month or less if you get lots of rain.
If the area is not getting enough rain then it may take months or years for the well to fill back up and you may need to drill the well deeper to access more water.
The length of time it takes a dry well to recover depends on the depth of the well and how much rain or snow your area gets and the soil type.
It can take rain or snow around 1 year to reach 10 feet deep in some locations and others the rain and snow may seep into the ground in as little as a few months to a year.
If you get lots of rain then the dry well will sometimes recover in a month or two or less.
Shallow wells will recover with rain and snow sooner than deeper wells.
A dry well will most often come back with some rain or snow.
When a well goes dry it does not always mean that it will never produce water again and sometimes the well going dry is from lack of rain, snow or other precipitation and due to drought conditions.
If you live in an area that gets little rain or precipitation and your well is 50 feet deep or less then it is more likely to go dry the more you pump water out of it.
Deeper wells can also go dry but are less likely to go dry from drought.
It's best to have a 100 foot or deeper well to have access to plenty of water and in locations that get plenty of rain the well will likely never go dry.
Shallow wells are more prone to go dry than deeper wells are.
In some cases a well may also go dry and only need hydro fracking to allow more water through.
And sometimes a well simply needs to be drilled deeper to access more water.
If your well goes dry then sometimes just waiting for it to recover can be good enough but if you have the money and need to drill deeper or hydro frack the well then that is another option.
If your well is deep enough to allow you to place the pump deeper than that is also another option.