Why are human babies so helpless for so long?

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asked Jan 27, 2024 in Baby/Newborn by longbeachash (1,150 points)
Why are human babies so helpless for so long?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 29, 2024 by AngieSmit (29,590 points)
Human babies are so helpless for so long because human babies are born prematurely, relative to other animals.

Babies are actually born before they are fully developed unlike other animals who's babies are born fully or nearly developed so human babies need more care to thrive.

One possible explanation for a humans slow rate of maturation is that it is an adaptation that is, natural selection may have favored a long childhood because it had benefits that outweighed its costs.

Human babies are also limited by the size of the female pelvis, so as humans we evolved in a way that allows for postnatal brain growth.

Because the brain plays a key role in the development of the body, this adaptation may have, in turn, forced the delay in much of our growth until we are outside the womb.

Things that babies cannot do when they are born are cry for attention or get at their parents, are not capable of responding to you with a conscious purpose, cannot feed themselves, get themselves dressed, use the bathroom, bathe themselves etc.

The first color babies recognize is red.

Red is the first color your baby sees.

About a week later, blue, green, and yellow are also part of his or her color palette.

As you can see, primary colors appeal to babies the most.

Pastel shades and other colors do not interest them as much, but they do have a calming effect.

Newborns are able to see contrast between black and white shapes and are able to distinguish the color red first.

Babies are able to see and recognize the color red first during the first 2 weeks of life and then after that the babies start to notice and distinguish differences in shades of colors which are particularly between green and red, which happens around 3 to 4 months of age.

The colors of black, white and high-contrast colors are best for baby's early development, and a spectrum of colors can help babies manage their big feelings later on.

Just after birth, a baby sees only in black and white, with shades of gray.

As the months go by, they will slowly start to develop their color vision at around 4 months.

The colors that relaxes babies are simple neutral colors like beige, cream, taupe, warm gray, and white can give a soothing, grounding effect.

This can create a safe and cozy atmosphere for your baby.

Additionally, neutrals also call less attention to themselves, giving your baby a break from stimulating colors.

The color yellow is believed to brighten moods and improve happiness in babies, with some shades believed to promote concentration.

Brighter tints probably should be avoided in nurseries though, as they can prove over stimulating to babies.

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