Are kids wearing diapers longer?

+1 vote
asked Jan 27, 2024 in Toddler/Preschooler by longbeachash (1,150 points)
Are kids wearing diapers longer?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 29, 2024 by 13yolddiaperboy (2,360 points)

Kids are wearing diapers longer now and are not usually potty trained until age 3 to 4 or even 5.

Some kids are not out of diapers during the day until after age 8 like the boy below.

Kids will decide if and when they need to potty trained and if they want to wear diapers and never use the toilet that is okay as well.

Diaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapersDiaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapersDiaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapersDiaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapersDiaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapersDiaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapersDiaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapersDiaper Kid Boy Tommy 8 year old in pampers diapers

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2024 by yanniegrannie (3,690 points)
Kids are indeed wearing diapers longer than they used too thanks to the advancements in disposable diapers.

However my own son who is now 36 years old was still in the old plastic backed thick pampers diapers when he was 3 and even 6 years old until he finally potty trained.

He also wore pampers diapers at 8 years old for bed wetting and he was very stubborn about giving up his diapers and would not take his wet pampers off in the morning at 8 when he only needed them at night.

He is now a full grown productive adult and is doing fine.

It doesn't matter when your kid potty trains and when he stops wearing diapers.

Years ago before disposable diapers kids were out of diapers by age 18 months but it was more of the parents being trained to take the kid to the toilet or they would wet their pants.

Most kids are ready to potty train and stop wearing diapers during the day by age 3 which is when they have better bladder control.

Before 3 a child's bladder is not fully developed which is why they will often pee their pants.

Children should wear diapers no matter the age until they no longer need them.

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