Is freezing credit a good idea?

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asked Jan 26, 2024 in Credit by Twisted5567 (2,420 points)
Is freezing credit a good idea?

1 Answer

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answered May 26, 2024 by CHvibes (8,380 points)
Freezing your credit is a good idea as it protects you from credit fraud and identity theft as fraudsters won't be able to open new accounts, take out loans etc with your credit frozen.

Freezing your credit is one of the best and easiest ways to protect you from fraudulent credit applications and is free and you can unfreeze your credit at anytime.

Freezing your credit will not affect your credit score or your current credit, bank accounts, loans, mortgages etc.

Locking your credit or freezing your credit does not hurt your credit score as it just prevents access to your credit score and credit report.

Your credit score will remain the same or be unharmed with a credit freeze or credit lock.

After you freeze your credit any creditors, banks, loan companies etc cannot access your credit report so this will keep them from being able to approve any new credit account or loan in your name whether it is legitimate or fraudulent.

You won't be able to take out any new loans, apply for credit cards, mortgages, car loans etc until you unfreeze your credit.

You can freeze and unfreeze your credit as often as you like as there's no limit to the freezing and unfreezing of credit.

Freezing your credit will add an extra layer of security to your accounts and identity.

A credit freeze does not cost any money and is free with all credit bureaus.

To unfreeze all 3 credit bureaus simply call them, mail them or go online to their websites and go into your account and unfreeze them.

If you don't have an account you'll need to set one up and then login if doing it online.

To unfreeze your credit you can go online to any of the credit bureaus websites or call them or mail them to request a credit unfreeze.

Online and calling them to unfreeze your credit is fastest but you can also do so by mail.

You can freeze all 3 credit bureaus at once but you have to make a separate credit freeze request at each of the national credit bureaus which are Equifax, TransUnion and Experian.

You can call the credit bureaus, mail them with a request to freeze your credit or do it online.

A credit freeze is a good idea if you're worried about someone opening new credit accounts or taking out loans in your name.

Placing a credit freeze on your credit is one of the best ways of helping to protect yourself from any new possible fraudulent credit applications or fraudulent loans.

It's free to put a credit freeze on your credit so it is worth it.

A credit freeze though does not protect your current accounts or social security number.

A credit freeze is still a good idea but it can give you a false sense of security as you may still be susceptible to credit fraud or other fraud involving your Social Security number.

A credit freeze won't affect your current accounts, but if a thief steals the information on an existing account, your credit may be used without your permission.

Although credit freezes can last for a long time.

Most states allow credit freezes to stay in place until you remove them, but other states allow credit freezes to expire after seven years.

During a credit freeze you can still build credit with a credit freeze.

The credit freeze doesn't affect your ability to use your current credit cards or other types of revolving credit.

But if you want to open new lines of credit, including new credit cards, you'll need to unfreeze your credit.

Placing a security freeze on your credit reports does not impact your credit scores in any way.

It also doesn't prevent you from getting free copies of your credit reports every 12 months from each of the three nationwide credit bureaus through.

A credit freeze is a free service that stops new accounts from being opened, while a credit lock is a service from the credit bureaus that lets you lock and unlock your credit faster than a freeze.

Keep in mind that if you do plan to open up a new account/loan (mortgage, home equity line, credit card, auto, etc.), or apply for a new job, you'll need to unfreeze your credit.

If you need to remove the credit freeze, you may be charged a fee every time your freeze is lifted for a credit check.

If you make the request online or by phone to unfreeze your credit, the three major credit bureaus are required to lift the credit freeze within an hour.

The request to unfreeze your credit can be done by mail, but note that this is a longer process.

The credit bureaus, however, are required to remove the credit freeze within three business days of receiving notice.

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