Are cloth diapers really cheaper?

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asked Sep 14, 2018 in Toddler/Preschooler by Aserotho (490 points)
Are cloth diapers really cheaper?

Is it really cheaper to use cloth diapers on babies and toddlers than it is to use disposable diapers?

How much money do you actually save when using cloth diapers vs disposable diapers?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 14, 2018 by Jaybird (12,310 points)
You can save some money using cloth diapers instead of disposable diapers but when I tried switching my baby to cloth diapers from disposable diapers I found that the savings really weren't worth it since I had to spend time cleaning the cloth diapers.

When I had my baby in disposable diapers I was spending around $1.50 per day for disposable diapers when my baby was first born but then I started only spending around $1.00 per day on my babies diapers as he got older.

So with $1.50 per day I was spending $45.00 per month on disposable diapers and when he got older I was spending around $30.00 per month on diapers.

I spent around 2 hours per day cleaning cloth diapers and only saved the $1.50 on disposable diapers.

If I were to work at my job for those two hours I would've made $20.00 in 2 hours at $10.00 per hour so I would take $20.00 and then take $1.50 from the $20.00 salary and then still have $18.50.

So in my opinion no it's not worth the savings to use cloth diapers since it does require work.

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