What are tiny black bugs on dogs?

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asked Jan 19, 2024 in Dogs by Jonagonzalez8377 (2,080 points)
What are tiny black bugs on dogs?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 24, 2024 by hanzertas (6,510 points)
Tiny black bugs on dogs are most often young and just hatched fleas or even grown fleas.

Fleas can be tiny and black in color and can jump as well.

The tiny black bugs on dogs can also be little black ants, flea beetles or Tabanidae.

Adult fleas are black to reddish- brown in color, although the young adult fleas that haven't had their first blood meal are quite small and black in color.

And after feeding the flea will expand and appear lighter brown in color.

The hairy, worm-like, white larvae, which are 1/16 to 3/16 inches long, have a distinct brown head.

Adult fleas are visible to the naked eye, but most often appear as brown specks in hair, fur, and clothing.

These visible brown specks might not be fleas themselves, but “flea dirt”, another term for their feces.

Ticks, on the other hand, are almost always larger.

If fleas or ticks are left untreated on dogs and other pets it can eventually lead to death as the ticks and fleas cause disease and suck the blood from the dog or pet.

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