Can humans take veterinary medicine?

+1 vote
asked Sep 11, 2018 in Other- Pets by susycreamsuse (390 points)
Can humans take veterinary medicine?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2018 by starlight090 (200 points)
Personally I wouldn't try taking any medicines prescribed for animals however my Vet and doctor said it was perfectly safe for Humans to take many of the same medicines that are made for animals.

According to my doctor many antibiotics that are made and prescribed for animals are approved for use in humans so I doubt it would harm you to take some antibiotics that are made for animals.

But personally I don't like to gamble with my health or my life so I stick with medicines that are prescribed to me by my doctor or medicines off the shelf for humans.
0 votes
answered Sep 12, 2018 by poliq (6,100 points)
The thing is that not every veterinar knows for sure how to cure humans

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