What is area above eyebrow called?

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asked Jan 1, 2024 in Eye Health by Liamdiam (2,280 points)
What is area above eyebrow called?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 20, 2024 by hesitationswing (5,320 points)
The area above the eyebrows is called the forehead.

Your forehead is the upper third of your face and is located between your temples and below your hairline.

Your forehead plays a very important role in your facial expressions and aesthetics.

Other important parts that your forehead consist of include.

The Glabella which is the central part of your forehead and is located between your eyebrows.

Your Glabella is also where the superciliary ridges meet.

The skin of the glabella can also be used to check for dehydration.

The superciliary ridges are the prominences of your frontal bone and are located above your orbital margins and are more prominent in males than females.

The Frontalis muscles are muscles that run vertically and raise your eyebrows.

The corrugator muscles are the muscles that run obliquely and move your eyebrows toward your nose.

Your procerus muscles are the muscles that pull the medial portion of your eyebrows down and also create a horizontal furrow over the bridge of your nose.

And the orbicularis oculi muscles are muscles which lower the entire eyebrow.

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