Do hospice patients get IV fluids?

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asked Dec 19, 2023 in Other- Health by Zx8fz (1,920 points)
Do hospice patients get IV fluids?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 5, 2024 by Mandymorgan (14,270 points)
Hospice patients do get IV fluids when they need them and nutrient feeding through feeding tubes.

However do IVs or feeding tubes are removed during hospice care.

Hospice does not tell you how much time they spend with their hospice patients.

Hospice is a team oriented care approach that involves multiple medical community members which include nurses, social workers, doctors and home health aides.

Hospice is not just for the elderly, and does not mean giving up and not just about pain management.

The difference between hospice and palliative care is hospice focuses specifically on the period during the time closest to death of the patient and provides support and healthcare leading up to the death of the patient.

Palliative care focuses on maintaining the patients highest quality of life while managing treatment and other needs and does not always mean the patient is dying.

Hospice care is for patients that are expected to die soon usually within 6 months or less.

Palliative is not end of life care although some people do have palliative care at end of life but they are different.

Palliative care and end-of-life care are similar because they both relieve pain, increase comfort, and improve quality of life.

Palliative care is specialized medical care providing physical, emotional and spiritual support for people living with chronic conditions or serious illness.

End-of-life care is health care provided in the time leading up to a person's death.

End-of-life care can be provided in the hours, days, or months before a person dies and encompasses care and support for a person's mental and emotional needs, physical comfort, spiritual needs, and practical tasks.

End-of-life care includes physical, emotional, social, and spiritual support for patients and their families.

The goal of end-of-life care is to control pain and other symptoms so the patient can be as comfortable as possible.

End-of-life care may include palliative care, supportive care, and hospice care.

Palliative care does not always mean death like hospice care often means.

Palliative care is an option for people even when they will survive their illness and is still an option of care whether you're expected to pass away or live.

The palliative care isn't only for people who are terminally ill, and it is not the same as hospice care.

An example of palliative care is minimizing a patients pain and discomfort and alleviating any emotional distress, depression or anxiety.

Palliative care can help the patient connect with a financial advisor to help with financial planning.

The palliative care support includes planning for where you'll live during your illness, including at home, with a loved one, or in an assisted living facility or nursing home.

Palliative care is a type of specialized medical care which focuses on providing the patient with relief from pain and other symptoms of a serious illness they are facing.

The palliative care can also help a patient cope with any side effects from medical treatments.

And the availability of any palliative care doesn't depend on whether or not the condition or illness you have can be cured or not.

The goals of palliative care include.

Aligning treatment outcomes with the patient's values and preferences.
Improving quality of life for both the patient and the family.
Minimizing pain and discomfort.
Alleviating emotional distress, anxiety, or depression.
Assisting with safety, mobility, and equipment.
Spiritual counseling.

The three main forms of palliative care are symptom management, emotional support and spiritual care.

Symptom management is the primary purpose of palliative care.

It includes monitoring and treating symptoms that may include pain, nausea, fatigue, difficulty breathing, depression or anxiety.

Outside of hospice care, Medicare pays for palliative care for the same lengths of time and at the same level that it pays for other care.

Part A inpatient stays will be subject to a deductible each benefit period and daily coinsurance after 60 days.

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