What defines outdoor play?

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asked Aug 29, 2018 in Outdoor Recreation by KennethFiorini (510 points)

4 Answers

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answered Aug 29, 2018 by arturoschaefer (180 points)

When it comes to outdoor play, it means that you go out into the real world and have some interaction with the world. Most kids these days are comfortable in their homes with the video games and smartphones. Outdoor games are a must for growing children as they will be able to learn a lot of things and it is also good for their health. When children go out and interact with other kids, they learn many new things and learn how to play with a group. They discover many things and learn to appreciate nature. Find canoe seats here for safe canoe ride.

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answered Oct 10, 2018 by Alex777 (620 points)

Play in the fresh air, give a lot of stamina, fatigue and a good mood. And this is not unimportant.

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answered Oct 10, 2018 by John Dill (900 points)

I always play football in the fresh air, for me it is a charge of vitality and energy. I run to football later and sleep better and all the stresses go away. Sometimes I also go to watch football on the field for professional teams. Or I watch the matches at https:// 777score.in, with which teams they play and on which days.

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answered Oct 10, 2018 by Nadia (380 points)

And I do not play games at all, I do not have enough time for this

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