How long can you not change a diaper?

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asked Dec 10, 2023 in Toddler/Preschooler by Gemkow (11,020 points)
How long can you not change a diaper?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 10, 2023 by bullpitt (7,640 points)
The length of time you can go without changing a diaper depends on whether or not it's poop or pee in the diaper.

For pee you can go between 2 to 3 hours and sometimes 4 hours without changing a pee diaper and for poop it should be changed within 10 minutes or so of the baby or toddler pooping the diaper.

At night if the baby or toddler pees you can let them sleep but you should try to change poop diapers through the night if possible.

Baby and toddler poop is unsanitary just like adult poop is.

When changing a baby or toddler with a poopy diaper you should do so away from any tables etc where people eat and also wash your hands after changing the poopy diaper as it can spread germs and make you and other people sick.

Poop can be left in a diaper for between 5 minutes to 10 minutes once you notice and after that you should change the child's poopy diaper.

Poop can cause severe rashes if left in the diaper too long so as soon as you notice the diaper has been pooped in it should be changed.

I always would wait at least 10 minutes to be sure the child was done pooping and then I would change them.

If taking a nap and they poop then I would wait until they wake up to change their diaper but during the day you should change the poopy diaper within 10 minutes.

A child is considered fully potty trained when they can recognize the need to pee or poop, hold it in and go to the toilet on their own, pull down their pants and underwear, use the toilet, pull their pants and underwear back up and flush the toilet.

If the child is still having accidents and peeing and pooping their pants and not getting to the toilet on their own or fast enough and you have to remind them or help them to the toilet then they are not potty trained.

Many kids put up a fight about diaper changes even when they are not potty training ready.

Sometimes its just a phase they go through but you can try distracting him with a phone, tablet, toy etc until you get his diaper changed.

Between 40 percent to as much as 60 percent of 3 year olds are not potty trained and still use diapers.

The majority of children are still in diapers full time and not potty trained by 3 years old and some are still in diapers until age 4 to 5 years old.

The age that a child should be potty trained by is around 3 to 4 years old although it's okay if the child is not ready for potty training by age 5 and a 1/2.

Some kids are not ready to give up diapers and go potty in the toilet until they are 5 years old or a little over 5.

However the majority of kids will be potty trained by 2 to 3 years old but every kid is different.

It is normal for a 5 year old boy to wear diapers and to not be potty trained.

While some kids may potty train by age 2 to 3 years old it's perfectly normal and okay for a 5 year old boy to not be potty trained and wear diapers instead.

Some kids may not potty train until a little after their 5th birthday which is also okay.

The age that you stop putting your child in diapers is when they are between the ages of 3 to 4 years old or when they are potty trained.

Some children are potty trained before age 3 and some by age 18 months to 2 years old.

The age at which children are potty trained and stop wearing diapers varies depending on the child as all children are different.

While one child may be ready to potty train at 18 months to 2 years of age, some children may not be ready to potty train and stop wearing diapers until age 3 to 4 years old.

And in some cases a child may not be fully out of diapers and be potty trained until they are 5 years old or 5 and 1/2 years old.

There's no set age that a child has to be potty trained by and it's really up to the child as to when they will get out of diapers.

If you wait until the child is at least 3 years old or 3 and 1/2 the potty training for the child usually is faster and goes much smoother without many accidents.

Potty training before 3 years old means that you will be dealing with a lot of wet pants and pooped in pants as well as furniture floors etc.

Keep the child in diapers until they are ready and don't force them into potty training too early as it can lead to more problems.

If your child is refusing to potty train then you should wait a few months to try again.

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