How long stop craving carbs?

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asked Dec 7, 2023 in Other- Health by Humberto (11,410 points)
How long stop craving carbs?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 17, 2024 by Adenyaden (8,080 points)
The length of time it takes to stop craving carbs is around 4 weeks for most people although it may take as long as 6 to 8 weeks for some people as it can vary from person to person.

When craving carbs you can eat foods such as Almond butter banana muffins, spaghetti squash noodles or zucchini noodles, cauliflower substitutes such as mashed or riced pizza crust, chopped cashews, coconut flakes, sunflower seeds mixed with 1 tbs of dark chocolate chips or dried fruit or homemade granola.

The side effects of not eating carbs include difficulty concentrating, weight loss, risk of diabetes increases, possible weight gain, diarrhea, food cravings, stomachaches, reduced athletic performance, kidney problems, digestive issues, keto flu, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, bloating, brain fog, nutrient deficiency, hunger, headache and fatigue.

It is better to eat carbs in the morning especially if you want to lose weight or improve your blood sugar levels.

Eating the biggest portion of carbs in the evening can increase weight gain and cause a spike in blood sugar.

The amount of carbs you should eat a day to lose weight is between 100 grams to 150 grams of carbs.

You should aim to burn at least 500 calories more a day than what you eat to lose weight.

If you cut out carbs you will lose weight as a low carb diet causes the body to burn stored fat for energy which then leads to weight loss.

You will lose weight if you stop eating rice if you're in a calorie deficit.

Although eating rice can also help you lose weight if you're not in a calorie deficit.

Removing other foods from your diet to reduce your calorie intake such as white bread, deli meats, flavored yogurts, sugary foods, fries, fried foods, and soft drinks can reduce your calorie intake and help you lose more weight.

The amount of rice you should eat a day to lose weight is 6 to 8 ounces of rice a day or 170 to 225 grams of cooked rice.

Controlling your portion size is key when eating rice on a weight loss diet.

Use smaller bowls or plates to help control your serving size of rice when losing weight and a typical serving of cooked white rice is about half a cup, containing roughly 100-150 calories.

Keeping your rice portions in check will ensure you don't overindulge when losing weight.

When your body is in fat burning mode you should have an improved sense of well being and a decreased appetite and your clothes should fit you more loosely.

If you feel less hungry and more energized and losing weight with a steady rate then your body is in fat burning mode.

The amount of weight you can lose on a 3 day water fast is between 4.5 lbs to 12 lbs depending on your current body weight.

Your starting weight and height all play a role in how much weight you can lose during the 3 day water fast but you should expect to lose at least 3 lbs of weight.

If you don't eat for 72 hours your body will utilize any stored glycogen for energy and can lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels.

As the fast continues your body will then shift into what is known as ketosis which is the burning of fat for fuel for energy.

The amount of weight you can lose in a 72 hour fast is 1 to 2 lbs.

If you do the fasting longer than 72 hours it may adversely affect your weight and cause weight gain instead because of adaptive thermogenesis.

If you fast for 7 days the pounds you can lose is between 2 lbs 10 lbs or so depending on your current body weight.

Most people lose between 2 percent to 10 percent of their body weight in 7 days of fasting.

The amount of weight you can lose on a 3 day water fast is 4.5 lbs to 12 lbs which depends on a lot of factors including your starting weight and height.

A 3 day water fast can be a powerful tool for natural healing, weight loss and overall well being.

If you don't eat for 3 days but drink water your body will go into fat burning mode as the body will start to use the fat in your body to provide energy to the body.

You can survive for 2 to 3 months by drinking water and having no food depending on how much fat you have stored in your body for energy.

However if you're underweight then the longer you go without food the less chance you have at survival.

Because a water fast restricts calories, you will likely lose a lot of weight quickly.

Unfortunately, a lot of the weight you lose in the beginning may come from water, carbs, and even a small amount of muscle mass .

If you only eat one meal a day or a partial meal a day your blood pressure and cholesterol may increase and you won't have as much energy as you would if you had eaten at least 2 meals a day or 3 meals a day.

Some people do intermittent fasting by eating only one meal during the day or a partial meal but avoid eating the rest of the day.

And some people will only eat one meal a day when they want to lose weight and they have been fine.

However if you can and are not fasting or looking to lose weight you should eat at least 2 meals a day or 3 when possible.

Also if you have diabetes or cardiovascular issues then eating one meal a day may cause health problems and make you sicker.

Wet fasting is a type of fasting also known as water fasting in which you only drink water for a period of time which is usually 24 hours to 72 hours and during the wet fasting you don't consume any food or beverages.

Some reasons people wet fast or water fast are for health reasons such as detox, weight loss and even for spiritual reasons.

The reason that 16 hours is the magic number for fasting is because fasting for 16 hours will cause your body to go to it's fat stores for energy, and fatty acids called ketones which will be released into your bloodstream.

This has also been shown to protect your memory and learning functionality as well as slow disease processes in your brain.

16 hours fasting is enough for autophagy as autophagy can occur during a 16 hour fast and this period allows the body to ramp up and initiate the autophagy process that is essential for cellular renewal and cleaning.

Fasting is the temporary stopping of eating and sometimes drinking for a period of time.

From a purely physiological context, "fasting" can refer to the metabolic status of someone who has not eaten overnight, or to the metabolic state achieved after complete digestion and absorption of a meal.

During the night when we are sleeping our bodies are actually fasting which is why you should eat breakfast in the morning to break the fast.

Common fasting methods involve fasting for 16 hours and having an 8-hour eating window.

Some people who fast do 24-hour fasts twice per week.

Fasting has been a practice throughout human evolution.

As a result of fasting, humans evolved to be able to function without food for extended periods of time.

When you're fasting your body uses your fat to give you energy and when you burn that fat off for energy while fasting then you lose that weight.

Fasting alone does help you lose weight but you should not fast too often as it could make you sick and cause you to faint.

However fasting at least once or twice per week is a good weigh to aid you in weight loss.

You should also watch your calorie intake and get plenty of exercise and eat foods low in calories.

For example eating a salad without any added meat or cheese is a good way to give you energy but also keep your calorie intake down.

The less calories you consume the more calories you should burn off and in turn you should lose the weight.

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