What word has 43 letters?

0 votes
asked Dec 6, 2023 in Words & Wordplay by Riberio (1,400 points)
What word has 43 letters?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 10 by Fillis (540 points)
It seems to me that the easiest way is to immediately go to Wikipedia or use a complex search in search engines. You will get the answer you need quickly and accurately.
0 votes
answered Jan 10 by GeorgeMills (3,080 points)
The longest word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis. This search took about 30 seconds of my time. However, things get more complicated if this is your essay topic. I had several similar cases and it was all related to programming. Fortunately, I know not only about Google but also about this service - https://cwassignments.com/ If I come to a dead end, this is the first thing that comes to my mind to correct the situation.

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