Do dogs know if a plant is toxic?

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asked Nov 29, 2023 in Dogs by Slick80gsps (2,220 points)
Do dogs know if a plant is toxic?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 6, 2024 by Erutuon (5,020 points)
Dogs do not know if a plant is toxic or not and will eat or munch on them regardless although animals in the wild can usually know if a plant is toxic or not and to stay away.

Hydrangea is poisonous and toxic to dogs.

Hydrangea contains cyanogenic glycoside which is toxic to dogs when ingested and chewing the hydrangeas causes cyanide to be released and the leaves, flowers, bark and buds all contain the toxin.

If your dog ingests or munches on any part of the hydrangea plant they can get sick.

Lavender is toxic to dogs as lavender contains a toxic compound called linalool which is toxic to dogs, cats and other pets.

Dogs can become poisoned from Lavender by eating large amounts of the lavender plant or consuming lavender essential oils.

The most toxic plant to dogs is Sago Palm

Every part of the Sago Palm is toxic to dogs and can be deadly if ingested.

Other plants that are toxic to dogs are Daffodil, American Holly, Gladiola, Amaryllis, Ivy, Aloe Vera and even tomato plant.

A lot of garden and indoor plants can be toxic to dogs.

While some dogs who eat certain toxic plants might just have an upset stomach, other toxic plants can cause more serious problems especially if they're eaten in large amounts.

Although most dogs will avoid eating dangerous plants, others will be more curious, especially young dogs or puppies.

If you think your dog has eaten or got into a toxic plant, you'll have to watch out for dog poisoning symptoms.

Dog poisoning symptoms from toxic plants include vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, coughing, or drooling.

If your dog just brushed up against some poisonous plants, they may develop rashes or blisters.

Another highly toxic plant to dogs is Philodendron.

Philodendron which are resilient, easy-to-grow houseplants contain high levels of calcium oxalate crystals.

If ingested, the Philodendron plant can cause burns to the dogs mouth, excessive drooling and vomiting. Other houseplants with high levels of calcium oxalate include the snake plant and pothos (devil's ivy).

It's a common misconception and myth that dogs instinctively avoid dangerous plants.

While it's sometimes true of animals in the wild, dogs have no ability to distinguish between safe and unsafe plants.

Some things you can do to stop dogs from eating poisonous plants include.

Pet-proofing your home by keeping any problem plants out of the dogs reach.
Limiting their access to the areas where you keep your plants.
Fencing off your landscaping and flower gardens.
Decorating with non-toxic or artificial plants.

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