Telling parents about being ABDL how to get them to accept it?

+1 vote
asked Aug 16, 2018 in Mental Health by unknown2me (410 points)
Telling parents about being ABDL how to get them to accept it?

I'm an ABDL Adult Baby Diaper Lover and I love to play as a baby and dress as a baby and toddler and I love to wear and wet diapers too.

How can I go about telling my parents who I live with currently about my ABDL side and my love for diapers so I don't have to hide this part of me and can act like a baby and wear diapers whenever I want too?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 16, 2018 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
edited Aug 16, 2018 by Pamperslover
If you really wanted to tell your parents about you being an AB DL then you could write them an email which would be easier than telling your parents about being an AB DL in person.

I know I would certainly be nervous trying to tell my parents that I love to wear diapers and be a baby so if I were to tell them I would use an email to them instead.

However there's really no reason to tell them about you being an adult baby diaper lover and in fact most parents will not like it or accept it and will fly off the handle and possibly even kick you out of the home especially if you're 18 or older.

You can still wear diapers in secret in your room and maybe install a lock on your bedroom door to keep your parents and other people out when you're in your bedroom.

I had a lock on my bedroom door when I lived with my parents and I used to just act like a baby and wear my diapers privately in my bedroom when I wanted to wear just the diaper without clothes.

I still ventured out into the rest of the house wearing a diaper in front of my parents but I wore the diaper under my pants and my parents never found out about it.

Now I live on my own and I'm glad I never told them about my love for diapers as it wouldn't have gotten me anywhere except maybe kicked out of the house.

I live in my own house now and I can wear diapers and act like a baby at anytime.

So I would just wait until you can eventually move out before you indulge in the adult baby diaper lover lifestyle fully.

But for now just do your best to hide the fact that you love diapers and being a baby.

Your parents are certainly not gonna be treating you as a baby even if they do accept the fact that you love diapers and being a baby.

Those things only happen in fantasies and diaper stories where parents find out about the child's love for diapers and then treats them as a baby.

It doesn't happen in real life and in fact I really wouldn't want my parents to treat me as a baby even though I love playing a baby.

It would just be awkward and weird in reality.

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