Can you live 30 years after open heart surgery?

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asked Nov 26, 2023 in Other- Health by nikkiburch2394 (1,420 points)
Can you live 30 years after open heart surgery?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 27, 2024 by Egsbendict (23,910 points)
You can live 30 years after open heart surgery as many people do go on to live 30 years and sometimes longer after open heart surgery.

The length of time you live after open heart surgery varies depending your current age and overall health.

A very small number of people have died shortly after the open heart surgery or during the open heart surgery.

Open heart surgery is a major surgery that requires very close monitoring and immediate post operative support.

The body is cooled during open heart surgery so that the body does not need as much oxygen which allows the open heart surgeon to work on the heart for 2 to 4 hours without causing any damage to the heart tissues.

The cooling of the body and heart reduces the bodies need for oxygen.

After open heart surgery it takes around 8 weeks for your chest muscles and for your breastbone to heal and then you can gradually return to your normal daily routine and activities.

The long term effects of open heart surgery are trouble thinking clearly and memory loss and sometimes kidney problems, possible stroke, heart attack and blood clots.

The reason they give you a pillow after heart surgery is because the pillow provides an extra layer of pressure to counteract any jolting from a cough, sneeze or movement.

The pillow also helps reduce any pain because it also holds the incision and sensitive skin that surrounds the incision firmly in place.

To fully recover after having open heart surgery takes around 3 months.

After 3 months you should be fully recovered from the open heart surgery.

After open heart surgery you need to sleep on your back for at least a month and then you can usually switch to sleeping on your side.

The best sleeping position after open heart surgery is to sleep on your back as sleeping on your back after open heart surgery allows your spine, head and neck to be aligned properly which reduces the pressure of the heart and chest.

Surgeons open the rib cage by cutting through the breastbone also known as the sternum and the muscles and then the surgeon spreads the ribs open.

The breast bone also known as the sternum does grow back and fuse back together over the course of a few months or so.

It can take 6 months or more for the breast bone to fuse back together but the breast bone will grow back and fuse together eventually.

The surgeon uses a strong wire to hold the cut bones together which allows your new cells to grow.

Muscles are cut during open heart surgery.

To access your heart for open heart surgery the surgeon will make a vertical incision in your skin and muscle in the middle of your chest and then cut through the breastbone also known as the sternum.

The surgeon does cut your sternum for open heart surgery and then spreads your ribs to access your heart.

They don't break your ribs during open heart surgery but the surgeon does cut through the sternum which is the breastbone and spread the ribs to access the heart.

It's sometimes called cracking the chest although they don't break the ribs.

The open heart surgery procedure takes from 3 hours to 5 hours from start to finish.

During the open heart surgery procedure the heart surgeon will cut into you by making an incision down the middle of your breastbone which will be around 7 to 8 inches long.

After open heart surgery you may cough for around 8 weeks which is normal.

Coughing and coughing up phlegm or mucus after open heart surgery or other surgery is a normal process.

The coughing after surgery is a natural, vital way that the body gets rid of excess mucus in the lungs.

If mucus is stuck in the lungs for too long, an infection can start.

This is why it's important to regularly cough after surgery, even if it can be unpleasant.

The open heart surgery itself is not painful as you will be put to sleep with anesthesia although you may experience some pain after the open heart surgery as your ribs and body heals from the surgery but it should not be very painful.

You might also feel some slight pain or discomfort after the open heart surgery when you sneeze, cough or laugh but the pain is only brief.

The only difference between bypass and open heart surgery is that bypass surgery is open heart surgery that is done with the use of a bypass machine.

The surgeon uses a bypass pump to take the place of the heart and lungs to keep you alive while they work on the heart.

Other than that open heart surgery and bypass heart surgery are basically the same thing.

The reason they leave the chest open after open heart surgery is for low cardiac output.

This is also known as delayed sternal closure after cardiac operations.

Delayed sternal closure (DSC) is defined as delaying the sternal closure either as a principal method or after failure of one or several trials of closure at the end of the operation.

The long term effects after having open heart surgery are blood clots, kidney problems, trouble thinking clearly and memory loss.

Not everyone will experience these issues after open heart surgery but they are some long term effects that can occur to some people after open heart surgery.

Bleeding at the site of surgery or from the incision is the most common complication after having open heart surgery.

The most common complication after open heart surgery is bleeding which usually occurs from the incision or surgery site.

During the open heart surgery and recovery in the hospital you'll be monitored closely and your progress will be tracked.

The ribs are not broken for open heart surgery but the ribs are cut and then moved around and out of the way to gain access to the heart to perform the open heart surgery.

During open heart surgery your heart is worked on inside of your body and not removed.

During open heart surgery you'll be connected to a heart and lung bypass machine or a bypass pump during the open heart surgery.

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