Does paying off a personal loan early hurt credit?

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asked Nov 26, 2023 in Credit by Wh1teBean (1,380 points)
Does paying off a personal loan early hurt credit?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 19, 2024 by JoeFettah (5,100 points)
Paying off a personal loan early could hurt your credit by causing a small dip in your credit score if you don't have other installment loans like a car loan.

If you have a healthy mix of loan and credit accounts including credit cards and installment loans then the drop in credit score from paying off the personal loan should be small.

Paying off loans does sometime increase your credit score although it may not happen right away.

When you pay off a loan it may even drop your credit score for a little bit before it goes back up.

Paying off an installment loan entirely can affect your credit score because of factors like your total debt, credit mix and payment history.

Paying off a loan may help you reduce your DTI and qualify for a mortgage, but it could also drop your credit score a few points, so it may be better to reduce your overall debt balance but not pay off any loans or credit cards in full.

Paying off all debt can increase your credit score but it's not always the case.

If you're close to maxing out your credit cards, your credit score could jump 10 points or more when you pay off credit card balances completely.

If you haven't used most of your available credit, you might only gain a few points when you pay off credit card debt.

Yes, even if you pay off the cards entirely.

If you take out a loan to consolidate debt, you could see a temporary drop because of the hard inquiry for the new loan.

Your credit score can take 30 to 60 days to improve after paying off revolving debt.

Your score could also drop because of changes to your credit mix and the age of accounts you leave open.

Consistently paying off your credit card on time every month is one step toward improving your credit scores.

However, credit scores are calculated at different times, so if your score is calculated on a day you have a high balance, this could affect your score even if you pay off the balance in full the next day.

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