Do brake pads need replacing?

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asked Nov 26, 2023 in Other-Cars/Transportation by Wh1teBean (1,380 points)
Do brake pads need replacing?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 19, 2024 by JustinMehl (3,810 points)
Brake pads do need replacing as brake pads are a wear item that wears down the more you use your brakes.

The friction material on the brake pads wear down as they make contact with the brake rotors to stop the vehicle and eventually the brake pads wear down to the metal and won't be able to stop the vehicle.

The brake pads should be replaced when the brake pad material wears down thin and before it wears down completely to the metal.

Brake pads also have wear indicators which is a piece of metal that makes contact with the brake rotor when you press on the brake to stop the vehicle and makes a squealing or scratching noise which means it's time to replace your brake pads.

Most brake pads last between 30,000 and 70,000 miles although some brake pads can last as long as 80,000 to 100,000 miles if you do mostly highway driving.

You should however plan to replace brake pads by 30,000 to 70,000 miles and it's a good idea to inspect the brake pads after 10,000 to 20,000 miles.

Some brands of cheap brake pads wear out faster than others but for the most part most brake pads whether cheap or more expensive wear the same depending on how much you use your brakes.

If you ride your brakes or use the brakes more and do more stop and go driving nay brake pads will wear out faster than those that are on vehicles mostly driven on the highway.

Cheap brake pads can wear out faster than higher quality more expensive brake pads.

However it can also depend on how much you use your brakes to how fast your brake pads will wear out.

I've had some brands of cheap brake pads wear out faster than other cheaper brands of brake pads.

Then I've had some higher quality more expensive brake pads last longer than the cheaper brake pads.

It can depend on the quality of the brake pads.

If you're doing your brakes yourself and can't afford the higher quality brake pads then it's okay to use the cheaper brake pads as they last a good amount of time.

Brake pads generally last between 30,000 and 70,000 miles, but some can last as long as 100,000 miles.

There are many factors that account for this wide range.

First, brake pads come in a variety of types and compositions and are attached to even more varying brake systems and rotors.

If the brake pads look thin, less than 1/4", it might be time to get them replaced.

On some brake pads, you might see a wear indicator slot down the center of the pad.

If the slot is gone or just barely visible, it's time for new brake pads.

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