Can you clean carpet with Pine Sol?

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asked Nov 26, 2023 in laundry/Cleaning by Abdoaldu (1,660 points)
Can you clean carpet with Pine Sol?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 21, 2024 by cabbagehead (23,370 points)
You can clean carpet with Pine Sol by diluting it with some water in a spray bottle or using it in a carpet cleaner or upholstery cleaner machine.

I've sprayed some diluted Pine Sol on carpet to remove pee stains and pee smell and it worked great.

Pine Sol is a good disinfectant and can kill 99.9% of germs and household bacteria on nonporous and hard surfaces.

You can get rid of the smell of Pine Sol by mopping the area or cleaning the area with some baking soda or vinegar and baking soda.

You can also use Borax to get rid of the smell of Pine Sol as Borax is a natural deodorizer.

Apply a thorough coating of Borax paste on your Pine Sol residue and let it sit for about a good half hour or so.

Rinse off well and scrub slightly as needed.

Pine Sol is safe for dogs after it dries.

Once the Pine Sol has dried it is safe for the dog, cat or other pet to be around it even if they lick the floor or surface.

When still wet the Pine Sol can cause issues and even poisoning in dogs and other pets if they lick it or ingest it.

If a dog, cat or other animal licks or ingests Pine Sol they can get pine oil poisoning.

Pine oil poisoning can lead to failure of the nervous system, kidney and liver damage, respiratory failure, and death in a very short time.

Pine Oil is a common household cleaner and disinfectant that is toxic to dogs, even in small amounts.

The Pine Sol is toxic to dogs and cats and other pets but it takes a lot of the Pine Sol to cause toxic effects and the toxic effects are usually limited to vomiting and diarrhea.

Pine Sol consists of two agents, propylene glycol and benzoic acid, that are instrumental in eliminating stains and odors while knocking out bacteria and mold.

Therefore, if you're looking to do a deep clean, you can use undiluted Pine-Sol to utilize its full strength.

Also many liquid potpourri products and essential oils, including oil of cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang ylang, are poisonous to dogs.

Both ingestion and skin exposure can be toxic.

Pine-Sol can be used to clean pet areas, eliminate odors, and keep your home fresh and welcoming for your pets.
0 votes
answered Oct 22, 2024 by Abulaycan (1,980 points)

A while back, my toddler spilled juice all over the living room carpet, and I was in a panic. I grabbed some Pine Sol, mixed it with water, and went to work. It cut through the stain surprisingly well, leaving the room smelling fresh.After that, I thought it might be time to get a professional touch, so I checked out some options for Carpet cleaning London. I found a service that did wonders on the carpets, making them look almost brand new. The whole experience reminded me that sometimes a little DIY can go a long way, but having a pro in is great for the deep stuff.

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