Can I use drano to clean my ac drain out?

+1 vote
asked Aug 13, 2018 in Do it yourself by Andyoniu (260 points)
Can I use drano to clean my ac drain out?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 18, 2018 by isufabuc (420 points)
Yes drano can help to clear out some clogs in an ac drain line but it won't work for all clogs so sometimes you may have to run a pipe snake down the ac drain line to clear more stubborn clogs in the ac drain line.

I pour drano down my ac drain line and it works for smaller clogs but if something is really lodged in there clogging it then I have to use the small plumbers snake to clear the clog.

After every summer ends I clean my ac drain line out and then once again before summer to make sure it's clean and not clogged up.

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