How can you tell if a grasshopper is male or female?

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asked Nov 19, 2023 in Science by ChekMedia (2,480 points)
How can you tell if a grasshopper is male or female?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 21, 2024 by Jamie (67,520 points)
You can tell if a grasshopper is a male or female by looking at the end of the grasshoppers abdomen.

Female grasshoppers have a tapered abdomen that ends in a pointed egg laying tube called the ovipositor.

Male grasshoppers will have a more rounded abdomen that turns upward.

Grasshoppers also have private parts which can help distinguish the female from the male grasshoppers.

Male grasshoppers have private parts called the cerci, furcula, subgenital and supraanal plates.

Female grasshoppers have ovipositor dorsal and ventral valves which can be used to separate some species.

The inflated genitalia of the male grasshopper hooks onto the female's and inserts itself.

Grasshoppers are not deaf although they don't have very good hearing but grasshoppers are able to differentiate rhythms and intensities although not pitch.

The grasshopper has ears on their abdomen and the first abdominal segment which is located under the grasshoppers wings contains an eardrum which allows the grasshopper to hear.

The largest living grasshopper is the giant weta grasshopper is can grow up to 4 inches in length and is the world's biggest grasshopper.

Giant Weta grasshoppers are several species of Weta in the genus Deinacrida of the family Anostostomatidae.

Giant weta grasshoppers are endemic to New Zealand and all but one species are protected by law because they are considered at risk of extinction.

The lifespan of a grasshopper is around 12 months.

Although adult grasshoppers tend to live only two to three months and often they die out when food becomes scarce or when the weather becomes too cold.

Young grasshoppers can regrow certain body parts like their legs but adult grasshoppers cannot regrow any body parts once they lose them.

If a grasshopper loses a leg they can still survive in most cases but once the grasshopper loses a leg as an adult grasshopper it does not grow back.

Grasshoppers can go through a process of autotomy which is when a grasshopper can shed one or both hindlimbs to escape a predator or it can be abandoned or damaged.

It occurs between the grasshoppers trochanter and their femur which is the second and third leg segments and once the legs are lost on the grasshopper the legs never regenerate or grow back.

Grasshoppers cannot regenerate lost legs.

Losing the leg might have allowed it to survive an attack that might otherwise have killed it.

If a grasshopper loses an antenna or leg as a young nymph, the missing appendage is regrown, in part, at the next molt.

If the damage occurs early enough in the development of the insect, the lost appendages may be completely regenerated.

The eggs of a grasshopper are covered with a sticky substance which protects them underground, where they bind together and form an egg pod.

They'll remain in-situ for around 11 months.

The typical lifespan of a grasshopper is around 12 months.

Adult grasshoppers can live two to three months and often they die out when food becomes scarce or when the weather becomes too cold.

Many predators eat grasshoppers, including birds, blister beetles (which feed on eggs), and robber flies.

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