Have you ever pooped your diaper at school?

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asked Nov 19, 2023 in Grade Schooler by Leclaire (400 points)
Have you ever pooped your diaper at school?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 19 by Danieldiap (6,770 points)

I have pooped my diaper at school when I was 8 years old.

When I was 8 years old I decided to start wearing diapers to school which were the thick plastic backed pampers like the diaper boy Tommy was wearing in the pictures below.

I peed and pooped them and loved the feeling of them.

I wished I could wear them everyday then but I could only wear then when I had them which was not all the time.

Diapers are more comfortable and feel great when wet or poopy and they are much better than holding it and having to run to the toilet or find a toilet.

All kids should remain in diapers no matter the age.8 year old wet diaper boy pampers Tommy

8 year old diaper boy Tommy plastic pampers

8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt5 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy outside playing in diaper and shirt8 year old diaper boy drinking from bottle highchair diaper shirt pampers

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