Ridex does not damage pipes and is harmless to all types of pipes so even when you use too much RidX it will not damage plumbing.
RIDX does really work and contains enzymes to help break down solids and organic material including your poop inside the septic tank.
Once you flush RIDX down your toilet the enzymes in RID-X begin working as soon as they come in contact with water.
The bacteria take 2-4 hours to germinate and then begin to break down solid waste.
If the temperature and conditions are favorable, then the bacteria will multiply to the maximum level that the environment will allow in about 2-4 days.
For a natural or homemade septic tank bacteria treatment, biological or bio septic tank treatment is best.
This includes enzymes and bacteria to break down waste naturally without harming the good bacteria in the tank.
RID-X is also designed to attack grease in the septic tank, breaking it down to slow the accumulation of the greasy scum layer, which, if left unchecked, can compromise the function of your septic system.
Inexpensive and easy to use you just flush it down the toilet.
There's no mess, mixing or waiting.
RIDX is available in three formulas which include gelpacs, powder and liquid.
All formulas of RIDX will work to help reduce the rate of sludge build-up to keep your septic system running smoothly until the next pumping.
You should have your septic tank pumped every 3 to 5 years to keep it from getting too full.
The signs that your septic tank is full and needs pumping include.
You have trouble flushing your toilet, or it's constantly backing up.
Your pipes make a gurgling sound or drain very slowly.
Your lawn is suddenly growing lush, green grass.
Water starts to pool in your yard.
Your home or yard smells like sewage.