Does aspirin dissolve Kleenex?

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asked Nov 17, 2023 in Maintenance/Repairs by BuckeyeBcam (3,100 points)
Does aspirin dissolve Kleenex?

1 Answer

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answered Sep 24, 2024 by JaredMCQ (12,730 points)
Aspirin does dissolve Kleenex and facial tissues and does so nearly instantly.

One aspirin in the toilet bowl or even in an RV toilet tank will dissolve tissue, Kleenex, even napkins (dinner) and disposable paper towels."

When aspirin is allowed to react with water then it can undergo hydrolysis, forming salicylic acid and acetic acid which helps to break down the tissue.

Kleenex does not dissolve like toilet paper does and can clog a toilet and sewer system if flushed down the toilet especially in large quantities.

While flushing one Kleenex down the toilet is unlikely to cause a toilet clog it can eventually lead to a clogged toilet if you do it enough.

Kleenex and facial tissues should be thrown in the trash and not in the toilet.

If your toilet becomes clogged with Kleenex or facial tissues or baby wipes you will need to use a toilet auger or a sewer auger system to clean the clog out.

Bleach can  help to unclog a toilet in some cases unless the clog is more severe.

Pouring hot water and bleach is even more effective at unclogging a toilet than the bleach alone.

Vinegar and baking soda can also unclog a toilet.

When your toilet won't unclog with a plunger it could be that the clog is further down the pipe or the clog is too big for the plunger to push the clog out.

Also when using a plunger make sure the plunger is fully seated so that it works properly.

You may need to use a toilet snake or some Drano or vinegar and baking soda and some hot water.

Also if the water level in the toilet bowl is low, the plunger may not seal properly or achieve the suction it needs to be effective.

A home remedy you can use to unclog a toilet is vinegar and baking soda or some dish soap and hot water.

Vinegar and baking soda is what breaks down toilet paper fast.

To unclog a toilet with tissue paper add a few cups of baking soda to the toilet bowl and then add two cups of vinegar and allow it to fizz for around 20 to 30 minutes which will break up the tissue paper.

Then try flushing the toilet and if it's still is not flushing try a plunger or use a toilet snake.

Hot water can unclog a toilet if the clog is not too severe as the hot water can help soften the thing that is obstructing passage way through the toilet.

If you have toilet paper or poop that is clogging the toilet then hot water and even some Dawn dish soap can help to soften the toilet paper and or poop and help it pass through easier.

Dish soap helps unclog a toilet by breaking down some of the clog and also works as a lubricant which helps the clog pass through the toilet easier.

Also when dish soap is combined with hot water the hot water and dish soap help to soften the clog and help it pass through.

The best toilet clog remover is Green Gobbler which is similar to Drano but is made for use in toilets.

Drano Max Gel Clog Remover and Powder Plunger clog remover works great for toilet clogs as well.

You can also unclog some toilet clogs with some Dawn Dish Soap and vinegar.

For small toilet clogs Dawn dish soap takes around 15 to 30 minutes to unclog a toilet.

For more severe clogs Dawn dish soap takes around a few hours to 24 hours to unclog the toilet.

Dawn does unclog a toilet in some cases as long as the clog is not too severe.

The Dawn dish soap can help to break down some clogs in a toilet but more severe clogs require a toilet snake, plunger or even some chemical toilet clog remover.

Simply pour some Dawn Dish soap into the toilet bowel and let it sit for a few hours or even a day and then try plunging the toilet and if it's still clogged then you may need to snake the toilet.

Adding some vinegar as well can help to break down toilet clogs and other drain clogs.

Dawn Dish soap and vinegar along with some boiling hot water can unclog a drain safely and without the harsh chemicals of other drain cleaners.

For this method to work, the drain needs to be cleared of

Squirt dish soap down the clogged drain followed by some vinegar and then pour boiling water down the drain.

Tools that are needed to unclog a drain are drain snake, plunger, drain auger, drain claw and some drain cleaning chemicals or vinegar and baking soda, bleach etc.

Some clogs in drains can be cleaned and cleared with vinegar and baking soda or bleach or other drain cleaners while other clogs may need a drain snake, plunger or drain cleaning auger.

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