Driverless cars are legal in most places although you still must have a licensed driver in the drivers seat to take control of the vehicle in the event something happens.
A car cannot fully drive itself with passengers in the passenger seat and no driver in the driver seat.
I would not want to ride in a driverless car if there were nobody to take control of the vehicle.
The software could mess up or something could happen to the car and cause you to go off the road, veer into traffic etc.
A person may operate an autonomous vehicle with the automated driving system engaged on public roads in most states with a licensed human driver
However the locations of Phoenix, San Francisco and Austin are currently the only cities where the public can hail a driverless robotaxi, but that list could grow by a dozen or more within the next year.
Since 2017, 27 states have put laws on the books allowing driverless vehicles to operate—though there is variation between states in whether they require a human driver to be behind the wheel and ready to take over.
Only a few states allow a vehicle to be completely independent of a human operator on the
Even if it is legal I would never get into a fully driverless vehicle without a driver in the seat and especially not on highways or interstates but maybe just around town wouldn't be so bad.
However I enjoy driving and don't want a driverless vehicle.