It is healthy to only drink water as water is one of the healthiest drinks a human needs to survive and stay healthy.
You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day in 8 ounce sized glasses or cups.
Some people drink 1/2 gallon of water which is healthy and some people drink a gallon of water a day which is also healthy for some people.
During the summer I will drink around 1 gallon of water a day and in the winter months I drink around 1/2 gallon or sometimes less along with other drinks.
Drinking plenty of water keeps you hydrated, flushes out toxins, keeps your kidneys healthy and can even prevent kidney stones and kidney disease.
During the summer you should drink at least 200 to 288 ounces of water per day which equals to around 24 ounces of water per hour.
During the summer and hot weather you should drink between 24 ounces to 32 ounces of water per hour.
It's best to drink in shorter intervals and drink water before you actually get thirsty or dehydrated.
Do not drink more than 48 ounces of water in one hour as it can be unhealthy and hard on your kidneys.
Always drink water through the day and don't wait until you get thirsty.
The 5 signs of dehydration are.
Peeing little and fewer than 4 times per day.
Dry mouth, dry eyes and dry lips.
Feeling Tired.
Dizziness and being lightheaded.
Dark Yellow and strong smelling pee.
Also feeling thirsty and blurred vision is another sign of dehydration.
The organs that are affected by dehydration are the heart, skin, kidneys, muscles and brain.
Dehydration that is not treated can be deadly if it gets severe enough so it's important to seek medical attention when you're severely dehydrated and also drink plenty of water and other hydrating liquids through the day to prevent dehydration.
You can get hydrated quickly by drinking water, juice, tea or by eating watermelon.
You should always drink water and other hydrating drinks before you get thirsty to prevent dehydration.
In severe cases of dehydration you will need to seek medical attention but less severe cases of dehydration can most often be fixed by drinking plenty of water and hydrating fluids.
Drinks that are good for dehydration are water, juice, tea, green tea, coffee, pear juice, apple juice, carrot juice and other fruit and vegetable juices.
Water is the best drink for dehydration and drinking water through the day before you get thirsty can help to prevent dehydration.
The more water you drink the healthier you will be so you should try drinking 4 to 5 cups of water per day or at least a few glasses of water per day to also help keep your kidneys healthy.
It's best to not drink water soon after you eat as the water dilutes the digestive juices which slows down the digestion of the food.
After drinking water you should pee within 1 hour to 2 hours although some people may pee after 30 minutes.
If you're sweating then you may pee less as you lose the fluid through your sweat.
After drinking water it usually takes 1 hour to 2 hours to pee.
If you're sweating more then it may take longer to pee after drinking water as you lose some of the water through sweat which means less water turns into pee so you pee less.
When your pee is clear like water it's a sign that you're over hydrated and drinking too much water or other liquids.
It's good to be properly hydrated but drinking too much water can be unhealthy as well.
Usually though the pee that is clear like water is not a cause for concern and your pee should return to normal once you stop drinking as much water.
Clear pee is good as it's a sign that your kidneys are healthy, your urinary tract is healthy and a sign that you're hydrated.
However if your urine becomes too clear it can be a sign that you're drinking too much water.