Bunnies and rabbits can eat apples as they are safe and healthy but you should remove the seeds and cut the apples up before feeding the apples to the rabbits.
The seeds of apples contain small amounts of cyanide that can be harmful if consumed in large quantities by the rabbit.
Foods that rabbits cannot eat are iceberg lettuce, Rhubarb, broad beans and kidney beans, meat, eggs, dairy, raw onions, garlic and leeks, fruit seeds and pits, chocolate and Avocados.
Animals that kills rabbits at night are domestic or wild animals including martens, wolverines, mountain lions, lynxes, bobcats, ferrets, minks, weasels, fishers, wolves, coyotes, foxes, dogs and even cats.
Other animals that kill rabbits at night are skunks, hawks, eagles, owls, falcons, raccoons and badgers.
A rabbit grunting when you feed him is a sign of disapproval or they are feeling threatened or angry.
Rabbits squeak when sleeping as a way of snoring.
The rabbits don't sound the same when snoring as humans but instead a rabbits snoring sound comes out as squeaking.
Rabbits honk when they want to be left alone or when they are mating or ready to mate.
Rabbits also honk out of excitement and to get your attention.
The reason your rabbit is honking when you pick him up is because he's saying that he doesn't want to be picked up and wants to be left alone.
Rabbits will grunt and lunge at you when they are feeling overwhelmed or afraid or experiencing fear and is a form of defensive behavior.
Rabbits have memories and they have very good memories.
Rabbits don't forget negative experiences and emotions easily.
Rabbits like to be petted on the forehead, shoulders, back and cheeks.
Bunnies shake when they are scared, cold, frightened, excited or in other emotional states.
Rabbits flop on their sides to indicate his contentment and means that the rabbit is relaxed and ready to nap or sleep.
Rabbits stamp his or her feet when they sense danger, are frustrated, raging or when they want to play.
Once the threat has passed the rabbit will stop stamping their feet.
Rabbits do like marigold as well as petunias, pansies and gazanias.
Rabbits also like young, tender shoots and are fond of broccoli, beans and lettuce.
Rabbits can eat zucchini and it's healthy for rabbits as Zucchini is rich in many nutrients that are good for rabbits.
Zucchini when fed to rabbits can help improve rabbits heart and digestive health although you should slice the zucchini in thin slices and feed them in small amounts.
Rabbits can eat broccoli stalks as well as broccoli although too much broccoli and broccoli stalks can cause gas in rabbits.
The best vegetable for rabbits is carrots and also romaine lettuce, mustard greens, carrot tops, bok choy, watercress, cilantro, basil, beet greens, broccoli greens and kohlrabi.
Rabbits can eat carrot peels as well as the whole carrot and carrot tops.
Rabbits can eat carrot tops as well as carrots.
Carrots and carrot tops are healthy for rabbits and they love them too.
Rabbits can also eat brussel sprouts as long as you feed the brussel sprouts to your rabbit sparingly as too many brussel sprouts can cause stomach upset and digestive issues in your rabbit.
Human foods that rabbits can eat are vegetables and fruits such as white and red grapes, blueberries, carrots, basil, arugula, endives, cilantro, carrot tops, apples and other dark leafy vegetables.
Rabbits can eat strawberries as long as you slice them up into small pieces to avoid the rabbit from choking.
Rabbits can eat squash as long as it's not wild squash that was found growing but the squash that humans eat rabbits can also eat.
Rabbits can have radicchio as it's one of the most suitable vegetables for rabbits.
Rabbits can eat bok choy and it's healthy for rabbits in moderation.
Rabbits can eat Cilantro and rabbits love cilantro and it's healthy for them as well.
Rabbits can have red grapes and white grapes occasionally.
However too many grapes can cause bloating and stomach issues in rabbits.
The vegetables and foods that rabbits cannot eat and are poisonous to rabbits are iceberg lettuce, foxglove lettuce, jasmine, kidney beans, buttercup, sweet peas, broad beans, mushrooms, avocado, Lillies, rhubarb, tulips, daffodils and potatoes.
Vegetables that rabbits can eat everyday are cilantro, beet greens, broccoli greens, basil, kohlrabi, watercress, carrots, carrot tops, mustard greens, bok choy and Romaine Lettuce.
The favorite food of a rabbit is hay and grass along with carrots.
You should feed your rabbit in the morning and then in the evening or overnight hours.
Giving your rabbit food during the evening hours and overnight hours prevents unwanted behaviors such as chewing or playing with their water bottle.
A rabbits water should also be changed everyday.
Rabbits typically eat around 1 to 2 cups of grass per day.
Rabbits can eat grass daily or even hay and they will stop eating the hay or grass when they feel full.
Ginger and ginger roots and ginger leaves are safe for rabbits to eat in small amounts.
Bunnies and rabbits can eat cauliflower as it's a healthy vegetable and contains fiber and vitamins that rabbits need but too much cauliflower can cause gas and bloating in rabbits due to the high fiber in the cauliflower.
Rabbits can eat mint and all parts of the mint plants can be eaten by rabbits as it's a healthy herb which can benefit a rabbits health in small amounts.
The leaves and stems of the mint plant can also be eaten by rabbits.
Rabbits can eat asparagus although it should be fed to rabbits in moderation.
Rabbits can eat beet greens as well as green beans.
Rabbits can eat green beans but only in moderation.
Green beans are healthy for your rabbit along with other green vegetables.
Bunnies or rabbits can eat turnip greens as well as carrots, carrot tops, parsley, broccoli, collard greens, mustard greens, dandelion greens, endive, romaine lettuce, kale, and spinach.
When feeding rabbits greens you should feed your rabbit 1 cup of leafy greens per 2 lbs of the rabbits body weight per day.
Rabbits can eat too many greens which can lead to the development of calcium based bladder stones when fed in excess because the greens are high in calcium.
Rabbits can eat greens leaves or green leafy vegetables.
Good foods for rabbits are spring greens, parsley, and Broccoli as well as lettuce and celery.
Rabbits can eat sweet potatoes as sweet potatoes are healthy for rabbits although don't feed your rabbits too many sweet potatoes or they could get diarrhea.
In small amounts those sweet potatoes are safe and healthy for your rabbits.
Carrots can give rabbits diarrhea when they eat too many carrots.
Any vegetables or fruit in excess can cause diarrhea in rabbits but carrots in small amounts and other vegetables in small amounts are safe for your rabbit.
Rabbits can eat radishes and most other vegetables including carrots, lettuce etc.
Rabbits can eat radishes as rabbits eat radishes in the wild.
Radishes are healthy for rabbits to eat and you can cut the radish up or give the rabbit a whole radish for them to eat as well.
Radishes are a healthy food for rabbits to eat and rabbits enjoy eating radishes and other vegetables.
Wild rabbits typically do play dead and get in the trance position when they cannot avoid predators.
The Trance position for the rabbit makes it appear they are dead and then the predators are no longer interested in the rabbit.
Trancing is a self-defense mechanism for rabbits when being attacked or threatened by a predator.
Some predators won't kill prey that appears dead.
In this position, the rabbits play dead and their heart rate lowers.