Is it OK for adults to wear diapers?

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asked Nov 12, 2023 in Incontinence by MikeCynic (740 points)
Is it OK for adults to wear diapers?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 24, 2024 by Danieldiap (6,910 points)

It is OK for adults to wear diapers and even kids, teens etc.

Anyone of any age can wear diapers and they should if they want to wear them.

I'm an adult who now wears diapers full time and would never want to go back to underwear as diapers are much more comfortable and I no longer use the toilet for either poop or pee.

I do all my poop and pee in my diaper and I'm happier doing so.

I love walking around and sitting in a poop diaper and a nice wet diaper as well.

Older kids wearing pampers plastic diaperskid boy older kid wearing diapers plastic backed pampersKid boy older kid 10 year old wearing plastic pampersolder kid 10 year old boys wearing diapers

7 year old boy wearing diaper8 year old Tommy Diaper boy kid wearing diaper and shirt

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