Do people really buy a hotel room just to have sex for a night?

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asked Nov 10, 2023 in Lodging by Slipperyrock (1,080 points)
Do people really buy a hotel room just to have sex for a night?
commented Jan 5 by Apolon34 (220 points)
Thank you for your recommendations, now they are also interested in this topic.

2 Answers

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answered Oct 15, 2024 by Gonzalio (1,020 points)
edited Oct 24, 2024 by Gonzalio

The main difference between a medical record and a health record is like comparing apples and oranges. A medical record is more focused on your specific treatments and diagnosis. It includes details like doctor visits, medications, lab results, and any procedures you've had.On the other hand, a health record is a broader term. It covers the medical side and includes information like lifestyle choices, family health history, and even immunizations.In a nutshell, while your medical record tells your healthcare story, your health record tells your life story in a health context. It's a tool that can motivate and engage you in proactive healthcare. For more info, you might want to check out Svast Healthcare United States.

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answered Oct 15, 2024 by AlbertDean (1,360 points)

Yeah, it happens more than you’d think. Some people just want a night away from everything, somewhere private without interruptions. In places like Korea, it’s pretty common to find spots for a quick getaway, too. There’s actually a place called 홍대셔츠룸 that’s got a cool vibe if you’re looking for a different experience.

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