Can changing brakes affect ABS?

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asked Nov 7, 2023 in Other-Cars/Transportation by DynaRyder (7,380 points)
Can changing brakes affect ABS?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 24, 2024 by bobswunder (3,000 points)
Changing brakes can affect ABS and cause the ABS light to come up.

Common reasons for the ABS light to come on after you change brakes or replace brake pads are low levels of brake fluid, broken or bad wheel speed system, the ABS system being turned off or a malfunctioning ABS module.

The new brakes may also need time to adjust and sometimes the ABS light will eventually go off but in some cases you may need to reset the ABS light.

Also worn brake pads can also affect ABS and cause the ABS light to come on as worn brake pads deplete the brake fluid and cause the brake fluid to be lower in the brake fluid reservoir and triggers the ABS light.

When changing brakes and brake pads, brake shoes etc or working on the brake system including changing the brake calipers you should always check the brake fluid.

If you ever have the brake lines open to air you must also bleed the air out of the brakes or the brakes won't work properly to stop the vehicle and the ABS light can also come on.

To reset your ABS control module and turn off the ABS and traction control light you will need an OBD2 tool.

To reset your ABS control module and turn off your ABS and traction control lights first power on the OBD2 tool and then enter the make and model of the vehicle.

Next select systems or control unit to pull up the different vehicle systems.

Then find and locate the TCS/ABS system and select erease codes or reset codes to clear the ABS and TCS warning light and reset the system.

The difference between ABS and Traction control is that Traction control is engaged during acceleration and prevents wheel spin and loss of traction, especially on slippery roads and ABS is more for braking and prevents skidding of the vehicle during hard braking and ensures you have steering control.

Traction control though does not work alone and during traction control your ABS will also engage and the ABS light should also come on during traction control.

The anti lock braking or ABS for short stops the car from skidding but in a different way than the traction control.

When your ABS and traction control light come on it can mean that the brake system is malfunctioning or your brake fluid is low.

The ABS and traction control often share the same module as well so the module could also be bad.

The problems that ABS can cause are loss of traction under heavy braking, hydroplaning, and skidding and loss of control.

You can tell which ABS sensor is bad by checking the resistance across the signal and the ground leads which generally should read 800 to 2000 ohms which is a good reading if it reads steady in this range and indicates the ABS sensor is good.

If the resistance reading constantly changes or increases on the ohm meter then the ABS sensor is faulty.

An ABS light does not mean brake failure if the ABS light is the only light that is on and not also the red brake light.

If the red brake light is on along with the ABS light then it means brake failure or a problem with the brakes.

The ABS light being on by itself means there's an issue with the ABS system.

The most common cause of the ABS light to come on is a malfunctioning or bad ABS module or faulty wheel speed sensor.

An ABS light is not very serious if only the ABS light is on.

However if both the ABS light and the brake light are on at the same time then it's more serious and means the vehicle is not safe to drive unless you get the issue fixed.

The ABS system helps with stopping distances and vehicle control and is an important safety feature that should be fixed and maintained.

A car can work without an ABS sensor although the cars stability and stopping properly in difficult conditions will be affected.

ABS sensors are an important part of the vehicle to keep the vehicle stable and allow for stopping properly in emergencies.

An ABS light should be yellow in color and will usually have ABS written underneath it or inside the light.

When the ABS light is on it means that there is an issue with the ABS system that should be addressed soon to ensure safe driving of the vehicle.

Removing the ABS fuse will not turn off the ABS light as the ABS fuse is for the ABS system itself and not the ABS light.

The ABS light will still remain on with the ABS fuse removed but the ABS system will not work.

The ABS sensor is located in each wheel hub or rotor on a 4 channel ABS system.

Your ABS sensor can also be mounted or located in the rear differential in certain rear wheel drive vehicles.

ABS can shut off a car when it detects that one wheel starts to spin irregularly then it will cut the engine off until it establishes traction.

The ABS cutting off power to the engine is designed to prevent skidding out of control by accidentally applying too much power.

When your ABS light is on but your brakes are fine the most common reason for the ABS light being on but brakes are good is a bad or malfunctioning ABS wheel speed sensor.

Other causes of the ABS light being on are low brake fluid, faulty bulb check, worn hydraulic pump or bad ABS module.

The four reasons your ABS light is on include a malfunctioning ABS module, low levels of brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir, broken wheel speed sensors, or the system is turned off.

If you ignore the ABS light it could cause the ABS system to completely malfunction and make cause the tires to get locked under heavy braking which limits the vehicles maneuverability in emergencies when you need to stop.

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