What happens if you don't flush poop?

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asked Nov 6, 2023 in Other- Health by juanie1970 (1,060 points)
What happens if you don't flush poop?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 24, 2024 by bobswunder (3,000 points)
If you don't flush poop down the toilet the poop will start to stink up the bathroom and stain the toilet and if you allow poop to build up in the toilet it can eventually lead to a clog.

I had a uncle that used to leave their poop in their toilet as he was very stingy about the water bill and would only allow the toilet to be flushed at the end of the day after it had filled up with poop.

I would never use his toilet as it was really disgusting and it eventually clogged and he really was not saving any money.

Always flush the poop and the toilet paper as well to keep your bathroom and toilet clean and free of bacteria.

Poop can spread bacteria and make others sick and it also smells bad.

After using toilet paper you simply throw the toilet paper into the toilet and flush it down along with your poop.

Toilet paper is meant to be flushed and breaks down easily in the water and sewer system and as long as you have good plumbing and good sewer lines and don't flush too much toilet paper at a time the toilet paper should cause no issues with your toilet or sewer lines.

Some people prefer to throw the toilet paper in the trash can but that is actually not sanitary with poop or blood etc on it.

Toilet paper should always be flushed down the toilet and if your toilet can handle your poop just fine it can handle the toilet paper as well.

Toilet paper is designed to disintegrate and break down in water and once flushed it should be nearly fully broke down.

Wipes and paper towels however are not meant to break down int the toilet and can cause clogs.

So paper towels and wipes should be thrown in the trash but toilet paper can and should go into the toilet and into the sewer system or septic system.

Toilet paper is also safe for septic systems and will do no harm as long as you have your septic tank pumped out often enough.

However thicker toilet paper takes a bit longer to break down but thinner toilet paper breaks down much faster.

I've always thrown toilet paper in the toilet even at peoples houses that told me to throw it in the trash.

I'm not leaving my disgusting poop covered toilet paper in someones trash and not even my own trash.

In the toilet the toilet paper goes.

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