How do you say cara cara?

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asked Nov 6, 2023 in Words & Wordplay by RyderHyder (1,820 points)
How do you say cara cara?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 7, 2023 by Cathy21 (87,970 points)
The way you say or pronounce Cara Cara is Care AH, Care AH.

Cara Cara oranges are better for you than regular oranges as they contain 20 percent more Vitamin C and 30 percent more vitamin A than regular oranges.

Cara Cara oranges are also a great source of folate, dietary fiber, potassium and carotenoid lycopene.

A Cara Cara orange is crossed with a washing Navel orange and a Brazilian Bahia Navel orange.

The Cara Cara orange is a cousin of the blood oranges.

The difference between Cara Cara and navel oranges is Cara Cara has a red pink color that looks similar to grapefruit.

Navel oranges have a typical yellow, orange flesh.

The navel orange is also sweet and a bit acidic in taste and the Cara Cara is sweet, tart in taste with notes of rose, raspberry, blackberry and cranberry.

Navel oranges are called navel oranges as they have what looks like a human navel on the outside.

The navel orange grows a second twin opposite of it's stem which then causes it to have a navel on the outside which is why it's called a navel orange.

Florida Valencia Oranges, which were named after the city of Valencia in Spain, are medium-sized oranges with thin, bright orange, finely-textured rinds that are somewhat difficult to peel.

Navel Oranges are large, spherical oranges with thick, deep-orange, loose rinds that are easy to peel.

One large navel orange can provide up to 100% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C which is beneficial for the repair and growth of body tissue.

Navel oranges are also a good source of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Navel Oranges are considered to be one of the sweetest orange varieties you can find in winter.

Navels are seedless oranges with a distinguishable “navel-like” formation found opposite the stem end which is caused by a rudimentary second fruit that grew inside the skin of the primary fruit.

One of the most popular of the orange varieties is the Navel Orange.

When a navel orange is peeled, there is a partially formed, undeveloped conjoined “twin” fruit on the blossom end.

From the outside, the blossom end looks like a human navel. Navel oranges are seedless, and the flesh is naturally very sweet and juicy.

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