Where do you put Vicks on a stuffy nose?

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asked Nov 6, 2023 in Other- Health by SaraRumb (1,580 points)
Where do you put Vicks on a stuffy nose?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 23, 2024 by AngieSmit (29,590 points)
When using Vicks on a stuffy nose you put the Vicks just under your nose and you can also put the Vicks on your chest and throat.

Your nose can become stuffy because of a cold, the flu, and allergies.

Sometimes the congestion goes away in a week, sometimes you have it nearly every day or during certain times a year, especially if you're allergic or sensitive to something like pollen, tobacco smoke, or pet dander.

Some ways to clear a stuffy nose are a saline spray or rinse.

Saline solution in a spray or rinse moisturizes the inside of your nose and washes out mucus.

Antihistamines: This medication helps calm your immune system's reaction to intruders like allergens.

Corticosteroid nasal sprays: This medication helps with inflammation.

Use a humidifier.
Take a hot shower.
Drink plenty of water and liquids.
Try a warm compress.
Elevate your head.
Essential oils.
Herbs and spices.

The best tea to drink for a stuffy nose or a cold or flu is Peppermint Tea.

Peppermint Tea has a tingling and refreshing flavor that also helps to open up your nasal passages and relieves congestion.

Also if you have a stuffy nose eating some Jalapeno Peppers or spicy foods is a good way to open up a stuffy nose and the hot peppers and spicy foods also boost your bodies immune system.

Other good teas for a cold, flu or stuffy nose are Chamomile Tea, Ginger Tea, Green Tea, Nettle Tea, Tumeric Tea, Licorice Root Tea and also Eucalyptus Tea.

Tea does help a cold virus and helps you recover from a cold virus sooner too.

The tea has antioxidants which helps to flush out toxins and tea helps boost your immune system because of the minerals, nutrients and vitamins that tea contains.

Those vitamins, minerals and nutrients and antioxidants help boost your immune system and when your immune system is working properly it helps your body fight off the cold and flu virus.

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