Can you ship to a Fedex location?

+1 vote
asked Jul 30, 2018 in General Travel by Mekonen98 (310 points)
Can you ship to a Fedex location?

Can you have a Package being sent through FedEx sent to and held at a FedEx location for pick up instead of having the package delivered to your house?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2018 by Liloo (920 points)
Yes you can have a package being sent through FedEx dropped off and held at a FedEx location nearest you if needed and you can then pick the package up at the FedEx location.

Also if you need to you can even reroute the FedEx package to another FedEx location for pickup as well and there's no charge for this service and most FedEx locations are open 24 hours per day allowing you to pick up your package anytime when it's convenient for you.

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