What is the difference between a mixing valve and a thermostatic mixing valve?

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2018 in Other-Home/Garden by Douglio (330 points)
What is the difference between a mixing valve and a thermostatic mixing valve?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2018 by Avarado (27,930 points)
Both thermostatic mixing valves and just plain mixing valves control the hot and cold water coming into the shower faucet.

But the difference between a mixing valve and a thermostatic mixing valve is the thermostatic mixing valve senses and controls the actual water temperature coming into the shower, while a mixing valve also known as the pressure-balance valve senses and controls only the ratio of hot water to cold.

The thermostatic mixing valve keeps you from getting either too cold of a shower or too hot of a shower should someone start a washing machine or flush the toilet etc.

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