How much is temporary car insurance for a 17 year old?

+1 vote
asked Jul 29, 2018 in Insurance/Registration by Douglio (330 points)
How much is temporary car insurance for a 17 year old?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2018 by Sabelie98 (1,560 points)
There's no way to give an accurate answer as the cost of any insurance for a 17 year old including temporary insurance varies from State to State and from Insurance company to Insurance company as well as how good or bad the 17 year olds driving record is.

The only way to find out exactly how much the temporary car insurance for 17 year old would be would be to call up an insurance agency or look online for an insurance website and get a quote through them for free.

I've never had to get temporary insurance but I pay $150.00 per month for full insurance per month so you may pay less or pay more for temporary car insurance.

I would expect to pay at least $25.00 per day or more per day for the temporary insurance coverage but I could be wrong as there's no way to say for 100% sure because it varies.

Another thing that factors into the cost of car insurance even temporary car insurance is the age of the car and the type and value of the car as well.

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